As a straight male if someone called you a cocksucker or a bare back bitch which would you find more offensive?

  1. The second because it isn’t something in the general vernacular. The first I don’t take literally

  2. Wow. Someone is talking to me? Yah! This is epic. Say more. Say more.

  3. Neither, I don’t see how that’s offensive. It’s like getting offended for being called a car mechanic or a meal prepper.

  4. I would laugh at both of them; they’re ludicrous insults.

    Keep it simple. If you’re going to call someone a “fucking bitch,” call them a fucking bitch.

  5. Neither. Finding either one offensive first requires that I value that person’s opinion.

  6. Neither, it’s 2023. Imagine they said this in a crowded place. Both terms seem to be meant to insinuate the other person is gay. Openly making fun of gay people in 2023 just makes you look like you have some form of brain damage. The person is more offensive to themselves for having the gall to open their dumb fucking mouth.

  7. I’d have to actually value one’s opinion to be offended. Unfortunately I don’t so could give a fuck what someone says. Bare back bitch sounds funnier tho

  8. Neither. I’d laugh at either, because I’ve obviously made them angry and that’s a win.

  9. I ride horses my entire life and no one calls me a cowboy.. I suck one cock and I’m a cocksucker for life.

  10. Both are really lazy insults. Might as well say something about my mother without actually knowing her. It’s that level of insult.

    I’d just laugh it off and move on my with day.

  11. I don’t think I’d find either offensive. I’d just keep going about my business.

  12. Neither. My friends call each other cock suckers all the time and bare back bitch just confuses me. The bar for name calling has gotten higher over the years

  13. Neither, I do not give insults the time of day. I just ignore and walk away.

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