
I was wondering, what is your point of view on potential partner carrer ambition? Is it a need or does not matter?

At first I didn’t payed to much attention to that, for me most important was that my gf loved me. Didn’t care if she worked in lowest paying jobs as long as we are happy.

After breakup I started to shift towards ambition and education is a must, I started to see myself as piggy bank. Her spending all salary every month left no field for anything like travels even going for a drink with friends or to cinema without me spending my own money because she didn’t had any. Worst part that she didn’t had any ambition to educate or find a better paying job, and when I was trying to help her to develop I was acused of trying to control her.

What is your opinion on that topic? What are your live experiences?

  1. Career means nothing. As long as she’s caring and respectful that’s all that matters.

  2. (23F) I think that as long as he’s comfortable, I don’t care what he does or what he makes. I don’t necessarily want him living paycheck to paycheck…but I don’t need to have all this money, go on fancy dates, or do any traveling other than hiking and camping.

    I definitely don’t care about education. It’d be pretty hypocritical because I’m “uneducated” myself, but I also don’t think you need education to be successful in life. I’d take a blue collar guy over any other guy any day.

  3. For me its huge, ambition is a very attractive trait. I think its just the idea of having something greater to strive for, the act of a guy going after something.

  4. One of the traits I seek in a partner is intelligence. Typically those men are professionals.

  5. Career ambition is one of the very few things I’m unwilling to “date down” (I hate using this phrase but idk how else to describe it) on. I’m mid-level and I’d be unwilling to date entry-level at the same company. If they’re at a slightly lower-tier company, I expect them to be senior level to even it out.

  6. For me personally, women with ambition in general, super attractive. It doesn’t have to be career ambition, but she has to strive for something, some hobby or something other than just hanging out with friends that makes her happy. As for education I agree with that as well, with the caveat that it doesn’t have to be a traditional education. The main thing is she can have intellectual conversations about different topics and is able to understand how the world actually works. There is nothing less attractive to me than someone who only repeats things they hear and cannot formulate any of their own thoughts.

  7. At this stage in my life, it matters very much. Low paying jobs with no future aren’t acceptable. I have no time to waste on someone who hasn’t got their stuff together yet.

  8. She should be able to cover her own bills and should have some kind of ambition in life, wether it be a hobby or a reasonable life goal

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