Not counting failed relationship crap.

  1. Spending so much time worrying what other people think about me. But grateful to be growing more confident in myself at this stage in my life!

  2. When I was 18/19, I slept with one of my friend’s boyfriend (at the time, I justified it to myself because she had cheated on him a few months prior). Immediately after we hooked up, he dumped her, and told me he planned on dumping her anyway/it wasn’t because of me. So I proceeded to be her friend, lie to her (and everyone else), and continue to have an emotional affair with him. Eventually, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said no. So he told her everything and they got back together. I regretted it so much. He wasn’t worth it. Hurting her wasn’t worth it. Losing my friend group wasn’t worth it. It was so fucking stupid.

    I’ve since reconciled with her, but there was two years where we weren’t friends. I’m not nearly as close with her (or anyone else in the group) that I once was.

  3. Leaving my parents behind

    Long story short, we lived in a awful country, it’s scary being there, it’s violent, a lot of infighting, dangerous for women, lots of homeless and crime

    After college I left to another safer country, and left my parents behind

    We’re currently working on getting them out of there.

  4. At one point I was left with a choice. Leave my Mom or stay with her and help her with the babies.

    I stayed instead of going to college. I’m glad I helped her out. But now my only life skill is changing diapers.

  5. Going against myself. I keep doing the opposite of what I actually want for the last 2 years almost to please others.

  6. I don’t know if regret is the right phrase, but in my mid to late 20s during grad school and when I started working my first big girl job for a few years I was hell-bent on proving myself and spent a lot of my time focusing on my career and growth at the costs of my friendships, social life and enjoying life.
    In part, I’m happy and proud of where I am now in my early 30s. I love the people I’m around, I’m in a very happy relationship, I’m in a great place career wise and financially. I wouldn’t be where I was and with the people Im around now if I didn’t make the choices I did.

    But, I didn’t travel much, didn’t focus on making new friends or picking up new hobbies, I moved 2/3 across the country for a job 3 years ago living in Sacremento my whole life to Nashville and I’m just now getting to learn about being in the south thing becsuse I just *worked* all the time. So, I feel like I missed on a lot of fun in my life that others experienced and I wish that I took time here and there to just step back a bit.

  7. When I was 20 I was SA by my best friends bf at a party and didn’t tell anyone for months. When I eventually did my friend group said they “didn’t want the drama” and stayed friends with him. I stayed “friends” with all of them for way longer than I should have. I regret not telling someone sooner/ not reporting it/ staying friends with this group of people who clearly didn’t care about me.

  8. Staying in abusive relationships because “it’s better if I suffer than someone else” mindset.

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