Playing hard to get?

Keeping distance in communication but maintaining the SAME tone?

Mentioning other girls?

Stopping all compliments and validation?

  1. Playing hard to get?

    Keeping distance in communication but maintaining the SAME tone?

    Mentioning other girls?

    Stopping all compliments and validation?

  2. You don’t, stop with the basic bro shit. She doesn’t want your dick, get over it.

  3. Move on. If they reject you, they don’t want you. Take the L and don’t make it anymore uncomfortable than it already is.

  4. Let me say this once and for all.

    If someone rejects you, its your cue to move on. If they expect you to play games, to chase, you let go of your dignity, why in the hell would you want to date them ? Find someone else, she aint it.

  5. Okay follow my steps closely
    1) Kidnap her
    2) Throw her in the trunk of your car
    3) Drive her our into the wilderness
    4) Ignore steps 1 – 3 and move on

  6. Her biggest complaint was I didn’t earn enough to “treat her right.” We broke up because that’s a huge red flag.

    After we broke up I quit my job making $27k and got a job where 2 years later I was making $85k. She wanted to come back. I laughed.

  7. I ghosted her and slept with 4 of her friends. Don’t recommend, I was an asshole back then

  8. Don’t play mind games with people. You want to be a better person than that. Move on and have the confidence you’ll find someone else who actually reciprocates what you feel for them.

  9. You don’t MAKE anyone do anything. You move on. You were rejected. Good day, sir.

  10. Move on.

    You’re in one of two scenarios.

    She may be playing games. If that’s true then not engaging is the best option because this is just immature.

    She really isn’t in to you. Any tactics on your part will make you look on like an idiot at best and a stalker at worst. This moving on is the best option.

    Move on.

  11. You don’t. She rejected you. Why would you want to be with someone who rejected you?

  12. I didn’t. I moved on and met a woman who like me for me, without having to play any dumb mind games.

  13. I’m saying this as respectfully as I can. You seem to be a young man having a hard time understanding & processing emotions, emotions which you are feeling very strongly. You should seek therapy from a professional.

  14. My dad told me something when I was 19. He said, “Never let a woman tell you she doesn’t like you more than once.” Basically move on there are other women out there that’ll find you attractive. Not saying you should settle for someone you aren’t physically attracted to but don’t dwell on someone who has made it obvious that they aren’t interested. You’re just wasting your time.

  15. *”How did you make her want you after being rejected?”*

    I didn’t. I accepted rejection and moved on.

    *”Playing hard to get?”*

    No that’s stupid.

    *”Keeping distance in communication but maintaining the SAME tone?”*


    *”Mentioning other girls?”*

    No, that’s also stupid.

    *”Stopping all compliments and validation?”*

    Since I wouldn’t be talking with her after she turned me down AND I MOVED ON that would be a yes.


    A teenager posted this didn’t they?

  16. the way out of the friend zone is not through

    she’s using you for attention

    cut off contact, say you need time to process the rejection


    and start flirting with new chicks, and move on, only then she may be interested, but that shouldn’t be the end goal for you, actually try to move on.


    You are her time hoe, she uses your time with no regards to you whatsoever. Keep hanging out with her if you still want to be her pet forever.

  17. IF you get rejected, fuck off. You’ve been told to fuck off, so fuck off.

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