If people only truely care about themselves why should i express myself when self expression is based purely on the outside world? ontop of the fact that the world seems to punish self expression unless you fit the agenda. sounds like a loose loose to me…

  1. This is a great question! Self expression to me is being yourself in any context, whether you’re alone or in front of other people. While it’s true that the world can punish self expression if it doesn’t match the cultural norms, I’ve found that there’s something even more poisonous to the self about pretending to be something you’re not.

    The most open hearted, loving, connected people I’ve ever met faced adversity being who they really are but it taught them courage, compassion, creative problem solving, and how to be at peace because they didn’t fight who they truly are anymore.

  2. If you stop expressing yourself, you just become a passive agent on your own single life. We don’t have second chances, just this one, so might as well live it at its fullest. At some point you’ll realize it’s either you or them and your courage and self preservation will kick in and you basically will be yourself no matter what. And if they don’t like it? It’s their problem, y’know?

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