Every April time I’ll buy a new pair of boat shoes, nothing fancy, they’re only £16 a pair in Sainsburys, last years lasted til December before the sole got a hole in, I still wore them as I hate chucking things out, but this lead me to wet feet every morning when I took little dog for his walk.

I’ve heard mention on here before that boat shoes are for people who live in places like Chelsea, basically for snobs, I’m the opposite of that, I’m extremely working class and I ain’t got a penny.

As it ain’t been that warm here yet I wear them with me grey joggers, and t shirt and grey hoodie, when it’s hot I wear me camo t shirt, camo shorts, camo socks and boat shoes.

  1. I think your problem is you are buying cheap and having to buy every year. It’s unfortunately the problem with not having a penny as you say.

    It’s literally [Boots Theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory) in action

    If you *can* afford to spend more you should, because they’ll last you longer and you’ll save in the long term, but I get that’s not always possible.

  2. I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t know anyone with a pair.. even if they don’t have some themselves.

    Do you grind them down or something to get holes in them in such a short length of time? I’ve had one pair for years, and I got a new pair of lightweight grey sketchers ones last year I think (or could be the year before) and they still look like new.

    Boat shoes are great for summer

  3. Do you mean the brown leather ones with laces around the sides?

    Yeah, that would look weird with grey joggers.

  4. I don’t, but I know a few people who wear them, and they do indeed conform to the stereotype of who the typical boat shoes wearer is.

  5. I like boat shoes, then again I occasionally sail so like actively use them because most boats don’t allow hiking boots or shoes with hard gripping soles

    I mean, they’re comfy shoes but who cares what other people think? I wear them with salmon shorts and short sleeved shirts to transform into a Poundland Archibald

    They’re deffo not everyday walk in gravel shoes, though

  6. I’ve got some brown Sebago ones although rarely wear them any more. Think boat shoes had their day in the sun (outside of posh people who actually spend time on boats wearing them) about a decade ago.

    There’s a lack of appropriate casual summer footwear for men tbh but boat shoes do the trick. Shame that they come with the King’s Road red trouser stigma.

  7. Only on prep school boys on American shows, I hadn’t seen any in the wild until last weekend in a beer garden, we all agreed they looked really uncomfortable.

  8. I know a fair few people who wear boat shoes and without fail every single one of them is a massive bellend. Worse still a few of them wear them with no socks and if you are sat near them you can smell the rank. 🤢Even just typing this reminds me of the smell and makes me gag.

    That’s not to say that everyone who wears boat shoes is a bellend, boat shoes do not have some kind of magical power that changes personality. Merely that everyone *I know* that wears them is a massive bellend.

  9. >when it’s hot I wear me camo t shirt, camo shorts, camo socks and boat shoes.

    Hmmm. Camo Crocs would complete the look. That way you can be 100% invisible.

  10. I used to own boat shoes. When we first started dating, my now wife told me they were the one thing she couldn’t get on board with (pardon the pun). They’re called boat shoes for a reason, they’re designed for wearing on a boat and so designed for people rich enough to own a boat.

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