For starters I’m (25f) and he is (24m) well call him Luca so Luca and I met in 2020 pretty early in the year and we started hooking up once a week he would drive to my house every week we’ll 2 month in im pregnant and have been for 2 months I did bring up to him if he wanted to stop talking to me then fine but he said he wanted to still see me well not long after the baby was here he wanted to date but here’s my dilemma he’s never told anyone in his life he has a baby he lied about how far he lives he’s lied about how much rent he pays and I no he’s lying about how much money he makes bc no one would continue working somewhere that makes them miserable and leaves them in pain unless it paid noicely and a random lie he just told me was that he gets paid monthly but that’s not possible if 2 weeks ago it was biweekly and he barely talks to me and I don’t no how to feel bc I want to believe he’s a good person but I’m lying to myself and I don’t no what to do our baby is now 16 months and has barely seen him maybe like 5 times
#Edit: he has given me money like $100-$150 a month and no matter how many times I break up with him he begs to get back together and I get uncomfortable and take him back but he said he’s loves me which I don’t feel the same
#2 he didn’t even come to the hospital when the baby was born and we almost died they didn’t catch my preeclampsia till it was almost too late

  1. Sorry to say, he is just using you for a good time. If he wanted a relationship and raise the baby together, he would be present at all times. Him showing up occasionally is his way of not feeling guilty. I would ask for child support because you deserve assistance to raise the child and every man whether accident or not, should step up and be there for the child.

  2. See a lawyer. You need to setup child support. Forget about having a relationship with this guy. Put the child first.

  3. One thing about this whole situation is how its made things bc I can’t find a job and also pays for daycare and I don’t care if he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me we haven’t had sex bc when he does come up here I won’t have sex with him I just want to know why all the lies like I gave him the opportunity to cut contact when I found out I was pregnant but he didn’t want that was very adamant about bing in our life I know only hit him up to ask if he can send money

  4. Another thing to add is he didn’t come see us in the hospital stating that they made him uncomfortable and he never steps foot inside unless he’s injured but he send me a thing 3 months back that he was at the hospital bc his sister nearly died bc a part of the chopstick broke off in her throat and she nearly died I admittedly went off and was an ass blocked him only for him to find a way to contact me telling me he is sorry and that jaz but it’s never felt like a relationship and it’s not fun being treated like an after thought I just I don’t no how I’m supposed to feel or anything anymore the whole thing just makes me sad and uncomfortable

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