So my gf has the same problem as me, she can’t poop either at mine and we’ll stay at each others houses for days but not poop and feel bloated the whole time. Is there a better solution other then taking laxatives? We’ve been together for around 4 months now and it’s been a problem ever since we’ve been together. The issue isn’t that we don’t want to poop cause trust me we do, but it just won’t come out no matter how much we try at each others houses.

We are able to pee at each others houses no problems but when it comes to pooping we have tried sitting in the toilet at times for 30 minutes and nothing is coming out. We are very comfortable with each other and aren’t having any issues in our relationship at all so this is such a weird problem. We’ve been visiting each others houses for a few months not like 3 days out of the week. Any solutions?

  1. Stage fright. Your bowels are just too shy to perform in unfamiliar territory.

  2. Do not force yourself to poop there. Some people I know only poop at work or home. It happens. If this is your biggest issue, you are doing pretty good.

  3. Home pooping is a thing for a lot of younger people, I had it until I went to Basic Training and had to adapt.

    There’s also the component where the two of you don’t want to make a literal stink around your partner. That will go away with time too. Married 25 years and I wish I had a dollar for every time I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and my wife came into our bathroom and took a dump in front of me because she didn’t want to put on a robe and walk down the hall.

  4. This was pretty much me and my gf haha! First 6 months we had real problems shitting at each others place. Afraid of the smells, the sounds, the shame.

    It all became easier when I just decided to fart for fun like when I’m with the boys. Why? Because that way farting becomes a source of entertainment instead of anxiety and the tension around it gradually dissolves. Now we’re ripping farts all the time. Same goes for taking a shit; when farting becomes normal so does taking a shit.

  5. It’s just a thing. “Shy bowels.” They’re only comfortable in familiar areas places/situations and your SOs place isn’t there yet.

    Had the same thing happen to me at outdoor school in middle school. Went a whole 5 days without shitting and then bricked one out at home. It was a monster.

  6. Anxiety , stage fright , I get that. But also. If you can’t poop do you really have to poop. Go to the drug store buy some Metamucil cookies. They taste great and make your poops so perfect and you know when it’s time to go you can just sit. Poop and done. I find allot of people with bathroom anxiety aren’t really listening to their body. Have you tried running the tap to cause a noise of distraction a girl at work does this. But I think it’s also to mask her fart sounds. People forget. We all poop. It’s normal. And if you over think it it can create massive anxiety that’s hard to overcome. Mind over matter you can do it.

  7. I know it’s stupid but try making some noise. Let the shower run or put some music. Should distract you a little and make you more comfortable in “strange” bathroom. When I first went on holiday with my partner I could only poop when I knew he couldn’t hear me

  8. I have this issue when traveling and eventually you’ll *have* to go if you’re away from home long enough. I have found that eating Activia yogurt actually does make me have to poop – I’m not sure if it’s supposed to do that, or if it’s psychosomatic, but… it works!

  9. I’m in my 40s, husband is in his 60s. Trust me, you will eventually get over it. 😆

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