I’ve(27F) been seeing this guy(33M) since January this year. We generally have seen each other at least once a week, if not more, sometimes less. Neither of us have been eager to DTR, but we have a good time and the vibes have been on point. A really big part of it has been sex, we’re super attracted to each other, and we’re fairly shameless about it, usually hooking up like 10 minutes into seeing each other.

ANYWAYS this time the condom broke (I’m on birth control and sti clean, but he’s always insisted on them). He panicked for a minute, and I was trying to let him know that it was no big deal, and he was like, okay I’m going to my car to check if I have one there. I thought he would find one because he’s had them in there before.

He literally texted me from the car that he didn’t find one and was about to leave, so I’m like, ???? I put on pants and went out, expecting to at least tell him goodbye, but he was straight up gone. I mean ffs we usually cuddle and laugh and smoke and watch something but he was here and gone in less than 10 mins, I can tell from his texts lmao

I’ve called, I’ve texted, I’ve heard nothing back.
Is this a normal response to this situation???
I don’t know whether to be worried about him or personally offended???? I mostly feel embarrassed. What do you think happened?? Are guys really that worried about the condom breaking??? Even if he hasn’t finished???


TLDR my main cuff literally took off running without saying goodbye after the condom broke 5 mins into our hangout and I’m like wtf

  1. That is not a normal response, he was being a complete ass, especially since you’re on backup birth control so there wasn’t that much to worry about from the accident. Maybe he had a pregnancy scare (or actual pregnancy) in the past and so was freaked out more than usual, but still he was very rude to you.

  2. That’s weird AF. Could be that he had some traumatic experience with no condom in the past, or maybe he’s hiding something about his own STI status? Are you sure he didn’t leave to buy condoms?

    Give us an update when you find out what TF happened.

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