My FWB just texted that he’d like me to spend the night sometime, and he’s brought it up several times now.

I’ve never spent the night with a guy before. I feel like I’m kind of behind. (I lost my virginity at 30, and my FWB is only my second sex partner. He’s 49 and I’m 33, so I feel like I should know what I’m doing.)

What typically happens when you spend the night? Extra sex? More cuddling? Would I need to pack an overnight bag? Any knowledge or advice would be great.

  1. Yes, a small overnight bag with toothbrush, extra anything you may need.
    Extra sex? Maybe. Depends on how it goes.

  2. Yes you’ll probably have sex 4-5 times that night. Lots of cuddling. Lots of touching. Wouldn’t say you really need an overnight bag but don’t know what you typically carry overnight. I’d just bring a toothbrush. If I’m leaving next day I’ll wear the same clothes. I’d normally expect them to be taken off almost as soon as I get there anyway. And would hope he’d give me a tee to lounge around in.

  3. Depends on you, and the guy. At 49? Doubt it’ll be an all-nighter, but I’ve been wrong plenty of times in the past. Plan for it (extra condoms if necessary, lube, etc.) but don’t expect it. More cuddling is likely if yer’ cuddlers, the overnight bag is only necessary if you’re uber specific about shower supplies and/or he’s not. Toothbrush for sure. Comfy bed clothes/lingerie/etc. if you/he wants, outdoor clothing if there’s plans/possible plans in that regard. Nothing crazy, you won’t be sacrificing goats or anything, just stuff you’d bring if you were overnighting anywhere else + sex supplies. Enjoy!

  4. He could just be lonely in bed at night and wants company. I’ve tried with my fwb but my brain won’t shut off and let me sleep. But yeah I keep overnight stuff at his place like my travel toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, deodorant and a razor. Also my feminine body wash if I want a shower after sex lol.

  5. Sometimes you have more sex, sometimes you don’t. To spend the night, I’d bring a bag (tote sized or smaller). In it, I’d put a toothbrush, a change of underwear, something for your hair, and another pair of bottoms in case you want to change.

    Throughout the night, I’d just expect sleep and cuddles, if you guys are the cuddly type

  6. Do you two normally end it pretty early?

    With my FWB, when we go home it’s late after sex, so a sleepover would be us cuddling and sleeping and the breakfast and such. But if you normally leave early, he might want to lay around and hang out naked or even go out.

    He might also just not want the time pressure; maybe he wants to not worry about rushing dinner (or whatever) to get to sex but know he has the entire night to just let it unwind as it may.

    Also, testerorone peaks in the morning, especially for older men, so he might just be into well rested, super horny sex with you!

  7. What’s it like? Sweet and intimate and fun. There might be more sex, might not, but there would very likely be more cuddling.

    Spending the night may accentuate the F or the B of FWB. It’s more time together, and experiences like waking up together and having breakfast can deepen your friendship. On the other hand, being in bed together all night could lead to all-night sex. My guess is that if he’s 49 he might not be up to all-night fucking, so maybe he just likes you and wants more intimate time with you.

    This kinda thing can lead to someone catching feelings though. Just be aware of that and keep the communication about both of your intentions open.

  8. it’s fun and intimate! sex then you can both wash up and cuddle if you’re into that. it’s also amazing to wake up to the other person doing something sexual to you but make sure consent is clear when doing that or avoid it and have more sex in the morning once you’re both awake.

    also make sure to pack a change of clothes and underwear. it’ll be warmer with two people so don’t pack clothes that are too warm.

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