Hi everyone,

Maybe someone can provide some clarity.

I (f32) saw this guy (m37) for about half a year until he finished it due to his life kinda falling apart.
We spoke and he told me he’s physically and emotionally still very attracted to me, but needs to be alone for the moment to get everything back in order. He can’t do me or anyone else justice for the moment, but generally sees himself in a relationship again in a few months.
Then he kinda pushed for me to talk about my feelings towards him (I kinda always turned the conversation down and struggled opening up). He told me he feels like he’s letting me in in every way, but I keep myself shut off.
Then his behaviour kinda changed, he started behaving controversially.
When we see each other there’s always weird questions aimed at finding out if I am with someone. Kinda has a jealous(y) undertone to it. At the same time he suddenly started telling me about other women he finds attractive and that caught his interest. Which I find quite off putting.
I can only see two reasons for him doing that… he a) wants to push tldr me away and is friend zoning me or he b) is trying to make me jealous/provoking a reaction.
I’m super confused….

1 comment
  1. You could talk about the reasoning if you want but the fact he’s doing this with some backhanded motive instead of telling you straight up where he’s at is a sign we should top being friends with this guy full stop.

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