I feel like I hear so many Americans talking about it online so I assume it’s really popular but I’m not sure if it exists outside of America.

If my understanding is correct hamburger helper is like dehydrated pasta sauce?
I don’t know how good the brand is, but surely it’s not too difficult to make better pasta sauce yourselves? Why is it so popular?

  1. It’s basically a box of noodles with a packet of seasoning. It’s popular because it’s easy to fix, tastes good, and feels like a meal.

  2. Because it’s quick and really easy. I haven’t eaten it in thirty years, though. It’s OK, I guess. I don’t know that it’s really that popular. It’s just been around forever. I associate it with the 1970s.

  3. I don’t know anyone that uses it. I think it’s just an easy to cook, cheap pasta meal.. just add hamburger meat, rest is in the box. Something like that.

  4. I don’t know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself, huh? I like it better than tuna helper myself, don’t you, Clark?

  5. We are a very “on the go” country. hamburger helper is a fast, no thought meal that isn’t mircowave garbage. You just throw the context of the box in a sauce pan of ground beef, stir, and serve.

  6. Haven’t had it in ages, it’s kinda old school trashy food, but it’s actually really good. You buy a pound of ground beef and cook it up, you add the stuff in the box, which is some parbroiled pasta and sauce/seasoning, and let it cook together. So you end up with a 1-pot meal that you don’t have to buy any special ingredients for. There’s flavors like beef stroganoff, lasagna, beefy mac and cheese I think? You can add extra stuff if you want, like you could add fresh mushrooms to the stroganoff, or add other veggies if you want, but I guess the idea is it’s an easy, fast meal for a busy family. I don’t think it’s all that popular if you like to cook, but no joke, it’s good shit.

  7. Time, and convenience. Making your own sauce takes time, hamburger helper is a quick fix.

  8. This is the first time I’ve heard anyone mention Hamburger Helper in years, so I don’t think it is as popular as you think it is.

  9. I have never used or seen anyone use hamburger helper, also I cant remember ever seeing it in a store

  10. Its a super simple meal that can be made in like 10 minutes. Packet that just needs water to make a sauce. Can all be made in one pan. Noodles, sauce, meat.

    It is not something most people eat often. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had some.

    Its just really convenient and filling and that is the appeal. Its for nights when you want a cheap, hot meal without time to cook.

  11. It’s a box with pasta and sauce mix (usually a kind of gravy or cheese sauce). Usually you add hamburger and water and it’s a one pan meal.

    It’s well known. I wouldn’t say it’s particularly popular. It’s cheap, fast and easy.

    >not too difficult to make better pasta sauce yourselves?

    It’s not difficult, no, but it is Time consuming and costs a bit more.

    Do people never eat quick and cheap food where you’re from?

  12. Think of it as a beta version of Hello Fresh. It’s just a convenience thing for people who do want to make something at home, but either don’t have much time or don’t want to bother collecting all the ingredients themselves.

    That being said, I think I’ve only known one family who used hamburger helper. I’m not sure how popular it is.

  13. I don’t think it’s very popular. It’s something people who don’t like to or don’t have time to cook make. It’s just been around forever as a convenience food. Surely your country has simple packaged meals as well.

  14. I’m not sure if any of them have dehydrated sauce. Usually its
    noodles and a packet of seasoning. Sometimes there will be a topping.

    I used to eat it a lot way back in the day because ground beef was like $1.50 a pound and hamburger helper was about a dollar per box. That, plus squash and cucumbers from my garden was enough for 2 meals. That’s why it was popular when I was young. I don’t think it’s that cheap anymore, both meat and hamburger helper are a bit more expensive.

  15. its a box of dried pasta and seasonings that you mix with a pound of ground beef (purchased separately) and simmer. It makes an easy meal and It was a fixture in my kitchen during college. I keep a box or two in my pantry still. The stroganoff is the best.

  16. > surely it’s not too difficult to make better pasta sauce yourselves?

    Time, money, and skill.

    > Why is it so popular?

    Relative lack of the above in social medias majority demographics.

  17. Pretty simple: It helps you make dinners from hamburger. You just provide the hamburger and the box provides the fixings.

    It was a staple for me growing up with two working parents. Quick and easy. I don’t think I’ve had it since I was a kid though. I remember it being pretty tasty, though I doubt I’d think the same now with an adult palate lol

  18. Hamburger Helper is still around? I haven’t seen that stuff in like a decade. It was okay when I was back in college: it’s tasty enough. Not gourmet cooking for sure, but what exactly should anyone expect from a $1 box of instant pasta and spices?

    If it’s still around I guess they’re still in business, but I’ll guess that their market is mostly limited to college students without access to a proper kitchen, and busy moms who just want to get some food in her kids’ faces so she can take a nap.

  19. Hamburger helper is a mix of pasta and dried spices and herbs. You brown minced beef (or pork or chicken or whatever), add the pasta, the spices, and some liquid (usually water) and cook it until the pasta is done.

    It’s a convenience meal. It’s also cheap and allows you to stretch a pound of ground meat without a lot of effort.

  20. I’m not sure I’ve ever eaten it, but someone must because it’s been around forever.

  21. It’s cheap, quick, and convenient. There’s one flavor that my wife and I both happened to grow up on, so it is a nostalgic comfort food for both of us. We always have a few boxes of it in the cupboard, and we have it a few times a year with some store bought garlic bread to complete the experience. Only difference is we usually have wine or craft beer with it now.

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