What’s your favorite way to bond with someone new?

  1. Talk to them abt their interests, and go off of something that we have in common

  2. I rarely bond with people, I just enjoy the random conversation and once there is nothing else to talk about I go away

  3. Music. Finding some bands that you’re both passionate about and sharing some of your favourite songs

  4. Sex if it’s someone I’m attracted to.

    If it’s a friend, probably cycling, etc.

  5. Shared interests. But if we don’t have anything similar, I will just keep asking questions about their favorite hobby or their job.

  6. Nick names for sure. Asking questions about them and actually listening. I love building my friends up with positive comments as well.

  7. If they randomly bring up something I’m into, and i get to just nerd out with them. Few things make more comfortable talking to someone that I just met than breaking the ice like that

  8. Honestly, just talking. I like to ask questions about people and learn about their interests, what makes them excited, and just overall learn about them as a person.

  9. Chopping it up bout shit we both like. Could be anything but yea builds a connection.

  10. I read a post once that said women are fascinated by cheese, so I’d say sharing a plate of nachos.

  11. Me and a co worker of mines became best friends overnight. We went to the strip club then met a couple of strippers then went back to their place and hooked up. Amazing what a little alcohol and ❄️ can do lmao

  12. Talking about things that matter. The universe. Human interaction. The nature of being. The good stuff. May all beings have peace.

  13. Been a while, but I’ve been “adopted” by various groups at bars during solo vacations by asking people if they were interested in a quick round of Heads Up (mobile game). Granted, liquid courage was instrumental.

  14. eating food together. i don’t drink. a walk is good too. something about facing in the same direction, being sort of aware of their body language can diffuse certain tensions.

  15. Build, Repair, or move something. Nothing like physical exertion to build a bromance (no sexual connotation intended).

  16. I’ve found that bonding over movies and tv shows works well with most people. I like to ask people what movies they enjoy to break the ice and ended up making a few close friends that way

  17. Back to back jerking off is always a good start.

    Maybe play some Creed to set to the mood.

    Oh and turn the heat up so you get a nice sweaty back going on.

    Dim the lights for ambiance.

    After finishing turn around and look into each other’s eyes for 45min give or take.

    Then slit each others palms with an avocado knife and bond through a blood oath hand shake.

    Finish the ceremony with a nice tall glass of chocolate milk. Hot cocoa if it’s wintertime.

  18. Talk about anything BUT work. I don’t care what you do and don’t want to talk to you about what I do.

  19. Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I’ll stick with more traditional bonding methods.

  20. By doing something. Confront a new circumstance together and learn how they respond to the world outside of themselves. If they carry themselves with curiosity, humor, and fairness, we’ll get along just fine.

  21. Shooting pool. Skill need not apply. Can drink if you want. Low key all the way.

  22. Athletics. Hitting a hard track workout or going climbing together. I pay attention to reactions more than I do words. Anyone can play a character…you can’t hide fear, competitiveness, drive, humility, or pride. Doesn’t matter if you’re good or not; how you act under pressure gives me a real look at who you are. Then I’m cool to get to know who you believe you are and will trust it.

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