What are some of the fondest memories you have had with your female friends?

  1. First time my teenage best friend and I met. We were, I think, 14. Might have been 13.
    We were in the outskirts of the same friend group, so we had _seen_ eachother, but never spoken. Then my best friend and her best friend formed a new “best friend”-team, and we were sort of left behind (for some reason they could only be friends with One person at a time?)

    Anyways, I was in the city, sitting behind the bus station having a cigarette.
    She came by on her bicycle and asked if I had any plans.
    “Try to find some beer” I said.
    She got off her bike and went “my dad just gave me money for a skirt – let’s find someone to get us beer”
    So we did, and from then on we were inseparable.

    We kind of grew apart with the years, but we still stay in touch and still do stuff together.
    It’s just that how we started still makes my heart sing a bit – it felt so very right, and natural, and easy 🙂

  2. I was a 6 year old nerdy girl and had no friends. There was this girl who treated me pretty rudely because she was always a troublrmaking prankster.
    One day, she surprised me by asking me to play with her and her friends. She asked me to meet her at a park between our houses.

    There was this 1 minute period where we both saw each other walking toward the meeting spot. We could see one another but we couldn’t hear each other. I was so happy that I just couldn’t stop laughing, and when she saw that, she started laughing too.
    We just walked towards each other, laughing our little heads off. I don’t even remember what we did. I just remember that being the one of the happiest moment in my life.

  3. It’s pretty childish but well I was 8 at that time so obviously it is lol, my childhood best friend used to come sleep at my house when we were kids and it truly did her good cause she was in Forster house (I think that’s the English name, not sure) and coming here made her feel happy.

    One night we were just having some fun making stupid videos with the computer video, which I still have it and if we didn’t looked like kids I would 100% believe that we were drunk but nope just kids who ate way too much candies, haha, this night I had laughed so much that I almost peed myself.

    It’s truly something basic but when you grow older and just look back at those really small events you truly do understand that it’s those basic moments that meant the most.

  4. My bestfriend did this “trust exercise” (where we’re back to back linking arms, one bends at the waist to lift the other up…) Well, she bent all the way down and I slid off her back and banged my head (luckily on a semi-cushioned playground floor). And I still love and trust her despite that LOL.


    We did an escape room together.. we’re quite “physically aggressive” people… Like with all escape rooms, you unlock another smaller room right? And they usually hide another person in there or there’s an obvious jump scare waiting.. So there was a wheelchair.. and as our “escape room assistant” referred to it, she “weaponised the wheelchair” and nearly killed the actor/staff supposed to scare us..

    I physically broke some props that were welded/glued/locked shut with my muscle lol… that at some point our “assistant” would frantically message us on the help screen “IT’S NOT THAT!!” or “LOOK AT A INSTEAD” lol.. There were some other incredibly blonde moments were we’re just way overthinking something and staring at it and just screaming “WHY” that the assistant just gave us the answer LOL. Other times we were forcibly trying to jam things into places they didn’t go and he’d try to stop us too. Basically he helped us 500x more than he was supposed to lol.

    He said it was the most he’d ever laughed watching/helping someone do an escape room. He was quite literally in tears when greeting us.

    We went on a trip together. It was just so much fun. Airport security/staff during a layover invited us into their office to watch a movie.. we gave them fake names lol. She had to steal back something that belonged to her after the restaurant staff stole it and refused to admit they did.. Running away from stray dogs/being rescued from them by adorable local kids.. ]

    Nearly getting kidnapped in the middle of nowhere… and we both had the same thought. We’d both picked up a rock quickly just as the guys took us. When we finally escaped, I proudly said I was ready to fight/protect her and dumped the fit-in-your-palm sized rock into the sand.. She said she was as well and her rock was ginormous “will kill a person”-big and landed with a heavy thud.

  5. When we were about 14 we made up a whole routine to Neil Sedakas’ Breaking up is hard to do. 40 years later I can still remember most of it and it always brings a smile.

  6. We all went to Salem for Halloween. Did witchy stuff. One of the best times of my life. Wish we all had the time and money to do that again.

  7. The drunken debauchery of our early twenties with some friends, too many moments to list.

    How we laughed ourselves straight through highschool, I still smile thinking about how goofy we were.

    All of those women shaped me and helped me move through some tough stages with joy.

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