It’s tough. My circle is small and they never want to go anywhere like a bar or anything. One of them is in a long term relationship from high school.

I’m a 21 year old straight male, 6’4, go to the gym slightly introverted but have been talking to people more and more each day asking more questions not just being a robot but actually trying to converse with cashiers and stuff. I had a girl laughing last week but she wasn’t interested in giving me her number.

The college I went to I commuted to and it was all just hookups and yk. It wasn’t a hardcore party college either. We usually went to other universities nearby if we wanted to. Never found the one.

Additionally I think trying to pick girls up at the gym would be strange cause some are super focused and a lot of them are with someone else like another girl or guy (maybe guy friends too) and I don’t want to make people uncomfortable to be in the gym cause I’m the weirdo trying to get a number/date. Pretty small gym too. Honestly I think at the gym girls need to approach guys cause it’s so tough to tell.

Appearance: You couldn’t tell unless I had my shirt off. I’m slightly over 200lbs with abs and it’s tough looking muscular at 6’4 for me. Most my mass is on my torso and upper thighs and butt 😭 so calves and shoulder/arms struggling.
I don’t think I look like an f-boy.

I’ve approached a girl in the grocery store before but she was taken and said I was so sweet for trying 😭

Online dating: I get a bunch of matches but no one responds. Tried everything from using their bio or open ended questions, clever jokes, etc.

Where do y’all get women as a heterosexual male???

Should I got clubbing by myself? What time should I go? I only went once but me and the friends quickly left cause we just felt weird tbh. Bars? Don’t want to be around hammered angry dudes tbh but idk.

  1. I’m straight and a female so I can’t really tell you where to get girls but a friend of mine told me to meet guys or prospective ‘people’ through friends. Like to literally ask your friends to set you up with someone they know or is a ‘friend of a friend’. I get that it’s a little bit more frustrating now because even then it’s hard to meet people in bars and stuff… let alone on dating apps. I go to an all girls’ college so it’s hard af to meet people. It’s also definitely not just about your appearance, very good sense of humor counts too!

  2. who picked your online photos? yourself? you might do much better getting a woman to help you (they’ve a different perspective as to what works)

  3. you could try a new hobby that forces you to meet new people. uncomfortable as an introvert, but it worked for me as far as getting dates. and women are more likely to feel safe in a group they planned to be apart of…as opposed to you just randomly approaching them. and you don’t have the pressure of it being 1 on 1, but the advantage of a group setting.

    i’m a girl tho and never struggled with dating apps to start a conversation, but it was difficult to find someone not looking for a fling. a lot of girls get burnt out of trying on there, but i met my bf there…so keep trying i suppose. might luck out.

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