When and why do you need some you time?

  1. I try to take time for me everyday, I’m a person who I would say operates off of a lot of emotions and feelings. By the end of the night, I’m ready for my son to be in bed and just put on some music. I find it mentally relaxing and appealing, to just decompress.

  2. I took me time yesterday for the first time in almost a year and let me tell you the guilt before was real but the feeling after was monumental. A weight was lifted. My mental well-being felt like a cage had been unlocked. I didn’t realise how much I needed a few hours of adult catch up with my girls where we can just chat and laugh. I see these girls every week in the park. We’re always chasing one kid, sorting snacks, readjusting clothing etc. this was us time and incredible. I don’t need it often but when I do it’s fantastic.

  3. At least 1-2 times daily. I’m very introverted but in a role where I have to interact with people most of the day and it’s exhausting.

  4. I absolutely need at least some time to myself every day or else I feel completely drained. My job can be very noisy and I’m almost always working in close proximity to other people. When I’m at home I’ve got the responsibility of a teenage son, a needy (but loveable) dog, and pet lizards. Plus all of the usual household chores.

    My commute to work is about a half hour each way, so that’s MY time. I can crank up the music and bop to it and sing along, or I can sit in quiet contemplation.

    For about a month I was giving a young coworker a ride to and from work every day because he wrecked his car and had no other way to get there. He lives about 3 blocks away from me and all of the other coworkers live much closer to work. I was happy to help, but it really left me missing my me time. But he was able to get himself a new car a couple of weeks ago, so I got my quiet time back.

    I like to go on vacation with a group of friends, and even then I need a little time to myself. Even if it is just a quick walk in the morning by myself before breakfast or an hour in my hotel room in the afternoon to read or do whatever. But my friends totally get that, and they respect it.

  5. I have an hour every day where my husband and kidlet have to leave me alone completely. It’s a absolute must as I’m super introverted and work in a high intensity workplace dealing with people in crisis all day

    I will take alone time anytime I can

  6. I need a couple of hours break to clear my head if i have a busy day with massages. Each one needs mental energy and engagement that fits their individual personality and my head starts feeling sore eventually if i don’t get to sit quietly for a while at some point.

  7. I’m never alone except when I’m in my car.

    So I lie about what time I go to work and go sit in my car at the Starbucks. Get a drink and listen to the radio.

    I dream of getting a hotel room and just lying in the middle of the bed in silence. Sometimes I even book a room but then don’t get to use it.

  8. I’m practically a hermit (by choice) so I spend a lot of time on my own. I’d say 75% of my time outside work is me-time

  9. My job is very physically/emotionally draining, so every evening from when I get home from work c.6pm to when I get into bed c.8-9pm is my alone time (I live by myself and I love it)

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