Bilateral testicular cancer. I will be having an orchiectomy and I am worried about what my life will be like after the surgery. Advices?

  1. From what I’ve seen of those on HRT, you’ll be able to get more muscular from working out. There was a guy by the name of…Big NoNoah, I think? He was on youtube. He stopped producing testosterone almost entirely, had to go onto HRT. He got pretty muscular hitting the gym, you might be able to find some relevent experience on his channel. AH, found it. Here’s the channel.

    If you’re not producing testosterone you’re gonna get horrific depression and suicidal thoughts. So I think that his experience will be worthwhile for you, at least to some degree. I’m sure you’ll get prescription testosterone, which will keep that under control.

  2. Bro check out colby brock and furious pete on youtube . They both had or are having surgury for testicular cancer

  3. Figuring out what testosterone replacement method will work best for you and your insurance will cover is key. There’s several choices and the one you try first may not be what you end up with so keep your head up and keep trying.

  4. Idk about cis men, but trans men they like to put on gel first (testogel or similar)

    I’ve found the best way to incorporate that into my routine is to put it on in the morning before I brush my teeth. I was worried I’d forget all the time but actually it’s real easy to get into the testogel/pee/brush teeth/get dressed habit that it’s not even a thing anymore.

    I have switched to showers before bed as the application site needs to be _really dry_ or the gel doesn’t go on properly. It’s testosterone suspended in alcohol gel, so basically hand sanitizer.

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