Or I guess, a dumber way to phrase it is *why* do you want a partner. Is it to have someone to hold at night, have an interesting conversation, have someone you enjoy going to trips with, social status, or do you just want to sleep with someone regularly?

  1. Someone to come home to, someone to have a family with, someone to explore and adventure with, someone to grow with.

  2. Just because everything in life feels so much better and more fulfilling when you’re with your partner 😘

  3. – Loyalty
    – Honesty
    – Mutual Respect
    – Communication

    If you have those four things in a relationship you can get through literally anything. Any challenges, if you’re willing to put forth the effort, you can overcome them as a team. Because that’s a partner. That’s a foxhole buddy. That’s your zombie apocalypse team mate right there. It is not You against your problems and then against theirs. It’s the two of you against the world.

    And if you don’t have those things ain’t no amount of love that’ll keep you together. You will fall apart and you will fail.

  4. I could make a big long list for the unicorn girl….but let’s put it like this.

    I want someone who’s okay with being a little bit of a hooligan with cars and motorcycles, is a little bit of a nerd like me, will take care of me when needed, and isn’t afraid of getting dirty.

  5. Someone to help support and push me to achieve my goals (and whom I can do the same for), someone to come home to, to be able to talk to about whatever, to be able to travel with, to have a good friend whenever and wherever. To really just experience life with. Sex is just an added bonus!

  6. I think a females softer energy balances out the aggressive masculine energy, helps you enjoy life more. Would I enjoy going to a zoo or strawberry picking by myself or with the boys? Fuck no. If the girlfriend suggests it, we have a nice day and I’m glad we went. And the sex and someone to sleep next to is also a big positive.

  7. At this point. I just want some one that is over their exes and isn’t going to compare me to them. That actually wants to be with me, not just because I’m offering a serious relationship. But actually wants me, not just settled for me because no one else wanted her or would give her the relationship she wanted.

  8. I want her to be my best friend. Us versus the world. .. Somebody that you know you can trust with anything and somebody who cares enough about your mental well being that they wouldnt ever think about bogarting sex.

  9. To have someone to share moments with and talk all night, someoner to have your back and be really proud of their accomplishments, or just sit there and enjoy their presence while cuddling

  10. Things I value in a partner/relationship: communication, honesty, empathy, creativity, passion, compassion, open mindedness. Someone who has the same priorities. Also they must love dogs 😉

    Why do I want a partner? There is no greater feeling in this world than knowing you have found someone who loves you more than anyone else does. Someone who would sacrifice for you and that you would do the same for them. When you look into their eyes your chest feels tight and you can’t help but kiss them. This world is cold and harsh and having a partner makes it bearable. The ideal is to find someone and knowing that they will love and support you as your looks fade, if your financial or social status changes , will support your growth and who truly cares about you as a person.

  11. Really only recieve a portion of the love I’d give, and cuddles, lots of cuddles.

    I guess it’s basically just feeling wanted.

  12. “Why do you want a partner” is not dumb at all – it’s probably one of the most important questions as it directly deals with your motivations.

    People aren’t a shopping list of traits and their goal isn’t fulfilling your dreams or wishes. Your own motivation has more to do with the quality of your relationship than finding the “right” qualities imo. This goes for either party.

  13. Empathy, unconditional support, encouragement, humor, and freedom to be not only one half of “we” but also 100% “me.”

  14. To feel valued. Loved. Feel like I’m the one they think about when apart. Loyalty. The list goes on.

  15. I always wanted a person to become one with and drop the masks we wear to get by in public life.

  16. Depends. In 20s, it’s sex. In your 30s, it’s sex and communication. 40s, it’s dinner. 50s +, it’s all of the above.

  17. A person to contend and cohabitate with. It might not be obvious, although we often use several methods to confirm our accepted truths or currently perceived reality. The internal process can only reveal so much.

    By devoting ourselves to a partnership with another person, we acquire a new dimension in which we can further confirm our realities or perhaps further warp them.

    Hence, having a partner that can meet you halfway, oppose your foolish half-baked plans, and support you when all you need to do is stay the course and see it through, will set both parties up for success.

    Thus, ushering in the next generation in, on a stable foundation.

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