I recently discovered something that has left me feeling shocked and betrayed, and I’m not sure how to handle it. I’ve always been close to my cousin and their family, but I never knew the extent of their wealth until recently. Allow me to explain the situation.

Throughout the years, our family gatherings have taken place at my grandfather’s house, so I never had the chance to visit my cousin’s home. However, recently, they invited me to a party at their place, and that’s when everything changed. Their house was nothing short of a mansion, complete with exotic supercars parked in the driveway. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Naturally, curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn’t resist asking my cousin about their family’s financial status. To my surprise, they revealed that their family is either multi-millionaires or even billionaires. This information left me perplexed since I had always thought they were well off, but not to this extent.

I confronted my cousin about why they had hidden the truth from us all these years. They explained that their father is an investor who made a substantial amount of money in the stock market. He eventually started his own company, which has now become a corporate conglomerate, and he still serves as the CEO. Their father’s success story was quite remarkable, but what bothered me was the fact that they had lied to our family for so long.

When I asked about their educational background, I learned that my cousin had actually attended an elite private school with a tuition fee of $50,000 per year. This revelation only added to my growing sense of unease. They further explained that their family had deliberately concealed their wealth to avoid people asking for handouts or feeling entitled to their fortune. They didn’t want to be bombarded with unnecessary questions and believed it was best to keep things low-key.

To make matters more complicated, my cousin admitted that they have a substantial trust fund, although they didn’t disclose the exact amount. While their family has helped us out in times of financial struggle, it now feels like a betrayal to have kept such a significant secret from us, especially considering the close relationship we share.

I can’t help but feel that if their family is worth billions, or even just multi-millions, we should be entitled to a share of that wealth. It doesn’t seem fair that they’ve never had to work and have everything handed to them, while we have had to struggle. Their enormous mansion also begs the question of why we can’t live there too.

I understand that some may view my perspective as unfair, but the truth is, we are family, and we’ve always been close. It hurts to think that they lied to us about something so significant. I feel conflicted, and I’m unsure how to approach this situation without causing further strain in our family dynamic.

Any advice on how to navigate this situation and manage my feelings of betrayal would be greatly appreciated.

TL;DR: Recently discovered that my cousin’s family is secretly wealthy, possibly worth billions. They had lied to us about their financial status for years, and it has left me feeling betrayed. I believe that if they are entitled to such wealth, our close-knit family should also be entitled to a share of it. Looking for advice on how to handle this situation and address my feelings of betrayal.

  1. And you have just proven them right on why they didn’t tell you.

  2. Apparently your cousin’s family understood that members of your family – like you – would expect to be supported by them and wanted to avoid that, so kept their wealth a secret.

    >When I asked about their educational background

    I’m not sure how close you are if you have never seen their house or had no idea where your cousin went to school. Even if you were close, you have no claim nor any right to expect a dime.

    >While their family has helped us out in times of financial struggle,

    That seems very generous of them. I suggest you practice gratitude and stop yearning for money that is not yours.

  3. >They further explained that their family had deliberately concealed their wealth to avoid people asking for handouts or feeling entitled to their fortune.

    >I can’t help but feel that if their family is worth billions, or even just multi-millions, we should be entitled to a share of that wealth.

    As Jeff Goldblum said in Jurassic Park, “I… well, there it is.”

  4. >I can’t help but feel that if their family is worth billions, or even just multi-millions, we should be entitled to a share of that wealth

    this is exactly why they kept it a secret. they know how their family would react to their wealth. so to avoid fighting they do not disclose it.

    you are not entitled to anything. one of the reasons he got to this point is because he is smart with money, he does not go around giving it away to family and friends.

  5. Why would you be entitled to your cousins family’s money?

    It’s great if they want to help but they are not obligated to. It’s not like they stole this money from your family or got it unfairly by committing some kind of fraud on a will.

  6. This has to be a joke. You think you’re entitled to someone else’s money? And you’re too dense to realize this is exactly why they don’t go around telling people how wealthy they are?

  7. Can’t you just be grateful for what you’ve got already? And if you are grateful to them you might get rewarded down the line sometime. If they feel you want money then they’ll be more likely to avoid you in future.

  8. Do you have any shame whatsoever? You’re not entitled to anyone’s home or money. Full stop. In fact you should do your cousin a favor and make yourself scarce, because it seems that you’re going to be reeking of petty jealousy whenever you’re around them.

  9. You should only ever look in someone else’s bowl to make sure they have enough to eat.

    Or in terms you’ll understand, keep your dirty mitts off your cousin’s money.

  10. No one betrayed you. And apparently you aren’t as close-knit as you thought. They view at least several people in your circle of blood relationships as vampires. You aren’t entitled to wealth they accumulated and your attitude is apparently proof that you are part of the vampire club.

    Behave yourself, keep this quiet and you may eventually manage to nurture a bond that allows you to profit from such a connection. Spread the word and they make sure to clarify that you’re not someone they associate with.

  11. You said they have helped your family out in times of need, right? So they’re already generous with their wealth. You say they’ve never had to work after describing their father’s success which was a direct result of hard work. Do you think taking a business from startup to conglomerate is easy?

    It’s really, really hypocritical that you think your cousin doesn’t deserve this money, but you, somehow, do?

    You don’t feel betrayed, you feel jealous. You are not entitled to their money, and they were clearly right to keep this from you.

  12. You have done nothing to warrant feeling entitled to your family’s money, regardless of familial relationships. They earned it, not you. Be happy for your cousin instead of jealous.

  13. The father started his own company that is now a conglomerate. And you think he didn’t work hard. That man probably worked 16 hours a day, 7 day a week for years when he started that company. No sick time no vacation that’s what a start-up is like. as CEO he has the responsibility of that company on his shoulders every single day.

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