Fellow women, what do you do when you come across a woman who is *clearly* much more attractive than you?

  1. If I find myself feeling some type of way by a woman prettier than me then I’ll try to take a second and step back and wonder what it is about myself that I’m disliking to be envious. Then I’ll fix it. Working out, taking care of my hygiene, good diet/sleep/exercise, and really just focusing on being my best self honestly erases all of these feelings of jealousy.

    I also live in a large city in the mediterranean and go to an international Uni so I see new beautiful people from all parts of the world every hour of every day. I feel very blessed to be surrounded by intelligent, beautiful people that constantly motivate me to be the best version of myself. If you’re ever the most attractive, intelligent, etc. in a room, you’re probably in the wrong room.

  2. I… live my life? There are always going to be millions of women clearly more attractive than me. If I stopped to take note of every single one of them, I would seriously never get anything else done 🤷‍♀️

  3. Think about how hot she is and with ones I find sexy, imagine other things. Then I go on about my day.

  4. I don’t care. I think, “wow-she’s gorgeous” and then I go on with my day without another thought about her.

  5. I think ‘she’s pretty’ sometimes I say things like ‘You’re very pretty’ or ‘I love your hair’ and then the world keeps spinning.

  6. I don’t think that way. I have my own attributes and traits that make me attractive to plenty of men and another women being very beautiful is not going to negate that. I will never be a 10/10 for everyone and neither will any other woman, we need to stop competing and tearing ourselves down for not having as flat a stomach, as shiny hair or as nice of an ass as someone else and just embrace what we have without being threatened

  7. Not a fuck available for it.

    I don’t get upset by reality and competing with my yesterday self has always been a better motivator than caring about something so insignificant to my existence.

  8. I don’t do anything? Why would me seeing an attractive person be something I need to “deal with”?

    I don’t view life like it’s an ongoing beauty pageant or some infinite beauty-competition.

  9. I will not be hypocritical here. I feel envy and anger. The envy is because I also wanted to be beautiful enough to attract some attention. And I feel angry because I’m not, I was born with the wrong genetics. It’s very hard and people judge me when I’m honest with that topic. 😔

  10. I don’t compare .There will always be a prettier woman , no matter how pretty you are. Focus on being the best you, you can be . Being pretty isn’t even a compliment, it’s based mostly on the genetic lottery . I’d rather be known for being, clever, funny, kind, or a good conversationalist.

  11. Unless they’re trying to get in my partners pants, I don’t really care. There are millions of more attractive girls than me!

  12. Sometimes I can’t tell if I want to kiss her or if I want to be her lol.

    But in all seriousness, I used to be extremely insecure. Like something like this would ruin my entire day. I’ve been in therapy for a few years now, and I’m still going. I’m in a much better spot to where I really don’t think twice about it.

  13. Another woman’s beauty is not the absence of my own. I’m secure and confident in myself to not get bothered by it.

  14. Most women are prettier than me, so I’ll feel a little insecure at first, every time. So then I’ll either work out more or accept the fact that I won’t reach my own aesthetic potential if I don’t work on it.

  15. I notice she exists then promptly forget about her.

    What is there to ‘deal’ with?

    Maybe I’m not understanding the question

  16. I try to think of it as “wow she is very pretty” rather than thinking “she’s more attractive than me.”

    comparing yourself to others can really hurt your sense of self worth. we are all different and beautiful in our own way

  17. Based on the context being there are prettier girls than me on SM…

    SM is a marketing platform. SM can make Kmart clothes look hot AF. The pictures you are seeing are stylised and posed. They are in an algorithm targeted to what the SM thinks you are interested in.

    If you want to do something. Limit your SM, or delete and restart the app and recreate the algorithm.

    Try the app Mys Tyler too… I follow women with my body type, great way to pick up style tips for when I go shopping.

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