If a manger starts a relationship with a direct report does it have to be declared ?

  1. What rules?

    If there are none in the terms of the employment contracts for the employees, it is perfectly fine. The company may take a dim view of it or consider there is a conflict of interest, but it is not illegal.

  2. It’s how the majority of the people met their spouse before the internet and it’s dating sites.

  3. Depends entirely on the company.

    It’s how I met my fiancee. We kept it pretty quiet apart from a few close colleagues until one of us left the company. We weren’t sure how the directors would take it and I didn’t want anyone else on the team to accuse me of favouritism. (I made sure to avoid that, probably went too far the other way if anything just to be on the safe side).

    That’s also why I assume most higher-ups in an organisation would not be a fan of it, even if it’s not technically against the rules.

    Team dynamics can get tricky when one team member is sleeping with the manager and the rest aren’t. No matter how fair the manager tries to be. Especially in high-stress environments like Sales.

  4. Depends on the industry and the organisation. If you’re the pope it’s a big no-no.

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