I’m currently 17 in my first year of A levels. I’m studying BETC Level 3 Extend Diploma in Enginnering and Core Maths. After lots of thought I’ve decided engineering is not the field of work I want to go in. Instead I want to go into animal cear specifically zoology or safari park. Do do this I need to take an Animal welfare course in collage (It’s a 2 year course). Id start this course when I’m 18. (For reference my birthday is October 1st). I want to know if I’d be able to take this course for free as I’m not that financial well of (nither is my family). And since I’d allredy have a level 3 qualification if I could still take it for free

1 comment
  1. Speak to the careers advisor at your school or college. This can be an apprentice type role where you get a wage. Or it will be part time depends on the local provision. It’s hard. Speak to local providers of animal care.. vets, or local animal parks. See what they recommend.

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