So there’s this girl from my school that I like. We have known each other for three years, but never spoke much. Recently, we were put together in a particular academic group at school. After school ended and vacation began, We texted each other a few times regarding the academic work we did in our group (I had some doubts regarding our project work and so did she). One fine day, she texted me, to which I replied, and we ended up chatting for way too long. Like, even when I have tried to initiate some conversation before, it would end soon, but this time she was kind of carrying it forward.
Soon enough, I learned, that she is away from her hometown and in the same city as my hometown due to some summer work.
We still have about a year of coursework left at our school. Our school is a small one in a remote location of my country, and everyone knows everyone there and nearly everybody lives in the dorms. I don’t really want people talking shit because I asked her out too soon and she turned me down. I have a very good friend, who’s girlfriend is her roommate. He knows her well ig (as I said, we knew each other, but only started chatting recently) and would know if she’d be interested in dating me, or could help me. However what prevents me from asking him about her is the fact that he might tell this to his girlfriend and she might tell this to the girl I like (they’re roommates and good friends). Such a thing is most likely to turn her off and would probably end any prospects of dating her that I might have.
I want to find out if she would be interested in dating me. I have never dated before and am a complete beginner. You all, please help me out. What do I do?

  1. Yeah – stop caring about what people will think or say. There’s no shame in being rejected if you take it gracefully. What’s embarrassing about that? You took your shot and were respectful.

  2. Would agree with other commenter. You’re way overthinking what other people might think or say. Having to live with the regret would be way worse. I grew up in a small rural town and went to a small high school so I get you. Been there done that. In my experience having been in your situation you just have to go for it and let the chips fall where they fall. No easy out unless you would rather live with the regret. Why would you think she would turn you down? The way you find out if she’s interested is to ask her out. I guess I wouldn’t test the waters by asking your friend unless you really trust him to help you navigate. But yeah if tells his gf she will tell the girl you’re interested. Girls can’t keep secrets – guys maybe. So that could muddy the waters. If your friend is trying to set you up with her then maybe take advantage of the help. You’re best option is DIY. Based on what you posted could be some interest there.

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