Our relationship was completely abusive. We had just moved in together 2 months ago, to one of his parents houses and he always told me that that was my house too. Yesterday I couldn’t deal with the abuse anymore and I told him he should go see a psychiatrist and he LOST IT. After insulting me with all the words in the dictionary, pushing me against walls and closet, spitting on my face and so on, he threw me out of the house at dawn while it was raining. Luckily I have the best friends in the world who came pick me up right away, but I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life. I never felt so scared. Also I called my best friend (27M) during the fight and kept the call on during the entire time so that he could call the police in case of need. He was about to, but I flew from home with just a few of my clothes and computer (which he tried to break). This is the day after. I’m not doing okay. I’m scared of leaving my friends house, I’m lost and I feel humiliated. I’m homeless at the moment. I cannot believe this just happened to me. Three years down the drain and he confessed to never wanting to have kids with me while laughing, knowing well that I wanted to have a family since the beginning (and he always said he wanted that too). Called me a whore, a cow, a piece of shit and said the only reason he wouldn’t kick my fucking ass is because I have a cunt. While saying this the first thing he did was going to Instagram and delete our pictures (I mean why. Why did you instantly thought about that.). The sheer terror I felt while having to listen to this and being physically pushed against walls and pack my bag. But I didn’t cry in front of him. I kept answering back.
I’m sorry if the story is a bit confusing I’m still processing everything and still shaking.

I need to know if anyone has ever gone through this. What happened next? And if you were the abuser, what did you do next? What comes for me now?

  1. It’s going to be okay, sweetie. You’re out now. You’re going to be okay.

    The first thing to do is block him on everything. And I mean everything. Don’t let him contact you again. Don’t bother getting your stuff if you don’t have it, things are replaceable, if he snaps and kills you, your life isn’t.

    Do you have any living relatives you can call who you have a good relationship with? If so, get in contact with them to see if you can get a temporary place to live.

    If you want to press charges, make sure to document everything. Any bruises he any have caused or injury take pictures. If you have a recording of the call from last night save it.
    If you don’t want to or don’t have anything, it’s fine, just don’t contact him again.

    Don’t look at it as 3 years wasted.
    Look at it as: “I’ve survived, I’m going to be okay. It’s time to live the life I’ve always wanted.”

    Sending you so much love

  2. I couldn’t imagine creating a family with someone like this.. I would get out and stay out. Maybe ho as far as getting an order of protection just incase

  3. I’m so sorry. Please slow down. You can’t figure it all out right now. If you are in the U.S., call the Domestic Violence hotline

    800-799-7233 or text START to 88788

    (if you are in another country, google domestic violence resources)

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