Sooo I am a single mother, the last person I was with in an intimate way was my daughters dad 2 years ago. I reconnected with a guy I very briefly dated/ talked to years back. He got out of a relationship 2 months ago that was long term. Which terrifies me. I was considering breaking things off honestly. I don’t want to be emotional over some guy going back with his ex when I have momming to do. I’m absolutely not the girl to sleep with someone right away, never have been. Not even judging if someone does but it’s never been what I do. I don’t have many sexual partners. I really like this guy he really seems to like me but what if his ex came back maybe that would all fly out the window. Anywho he’s so gosh dang hot and he started kissing me and I honestly couldn’t hold myself back. I feel like such an idiot. He was respectful, he knows I don’t really do sex so soon and made sure I was okay with it. I gave in and we had sex. Weather it works out or not I feel like I ruined things. Why did I act so out of character and do that. I feel like he might think different of me. I haven’t allowed myself to get close like that to anyone as I want to establish something meaningful first especially now that I’m a mom. I acted different and I can’t take it back. I’m mad at me

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