What do you remember the most from your past relationships?

  1. The bad things that explain why I will never be in a serious relationship ever again.

  2. The mistakes I made. It used to be holding onto memories of good times we had, but I found that just made it harder to move on or making the mistake of “trying again”.

  3. The mistakes I’m determined not to repeat

    This includes my own actions, and how I allowed myself to be treated

    Along with that I remember some highs and lows, but the things that I concentrate on are the things that will help me make my current relationship better for us both

  4. Depends on the girl.
    Sex is a big thing for me in a relationship so definitely the most hot or dangerous places I do remember.

    But also the moments I was truly happy.
    The happy cuddly moments, or when we went to a festival, and ofcourse the bad things.

    My last relationship was horrible, I was actually truly afraid of her, so I remember the nights not being able to sleep because I didn’t feel safe next to her, but I also remember how beautiful she was during sex.

  5. *”What do you remember the most from your past relationships?”*

    That they happened.

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