I just started working at a company of 500 employees where ~75% are women in their 20s/30s.
I’m 33 M and single and have NEVER had so many requests to go for coffee/drinks/lunch ect (talk about a self-esteem boost!).

How can I make the most of this opportunity to meet possible partners, without having it blow up in my face?

To clarify, I don’t work directly with any of them and there are no power imbalances to worry about.

  1. I think the place big enough that it should be OK I terms of the usual reasons why it is not a good idea. There might be an annoying gossip culture you don’t see yet that could blow up on your face.

    I think the safest bet to start with is lunches because that is something coworkers can do just to get to know each other.

  2. Sure. It’s called not giving that much of a fuck about your job. Who cares? You’ll find another job. You could work there for 30 years, and two weeks after you leave nobody will even remember you existed. They don’t care about you, so fuck ’em. Go smash loose corporate chicks.

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