Me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 and a half years. We have been through some very rough patches especially during covid and broke up for a while due to distance and me feeling like I didn’t have a place in life etc. Last April we got back together and took things slow for a few months in order to become comfortable with each other again. Since September last year things have been amazing, we have been seeing each other multiple times a week, taking trips together, just us and with his friends and have been really loving just being together even if it’s going for a drive and doing nothing all day. However the last few weeks i have begun to feel like I did last year with not feeling like I’m a priority or have much of a place in his life. He volunteers with an ambulance company and often will take multiple duties a week and tell me “I’m just too busy to see you this week, maybe next week”, I have told him I have no problem with his volunteering but I take issue with it leaving literally no time for him to spend time with his boyfriend. Now onto my main problem, he is also working in a hospital completing his PhD and as part of this PhD he gets to attend conferences both at home and abroad. We booked a holiday last month to go to Italy in June for 5 days and when booking I made him double check it didn’t clash with any conferences etc. On Friday he told me that a conference had it’s dates changed and the day he wants to attend is the same day we’re flying home. He is now asking me to change the entire booking and when I told him we don’t have flexible tickets etc he told me he’ll likely have to leave a day or two early, which would leave me alone in a foreign country that I’ve never been to before. I am incredibly pissed off and feel like I of absolutely no importance in his life because of this. I think it’s only fair that he already committed to a trip with me and that he just miss out on one local conference, but he is insisting that he wants to go and is now ruining our holiday. I really don’t know what to do here and I just feel so unimportant.

Tl;Dr : my boyfriend is attempting to cancel a trip we booked in advance because of a conference that changed its dates. Which would mean he is leaving my alone in a foreign country for two days.

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