Be aware that this is mainly about my feelings of insecurities so bear with me, i guess.When i say they are treating me differently, it’s actually a negative meaning.

My friends constantly humiliates me in front of their other friends, like talking about my secrets, insecurities and other personal things that affect me painfully.

But when it’s their other friends, it’s the complete opposite. They provide comfort, treat them without harmful comments, and so on.

If they were a toxic person, then why is their course of action like that with me? Shouldn’t they be toxic with the other people they interact in their social circle? I mean, i always provide comfort when needed, like when they vent to me.

I try my best to fit the ideal type of someone you would want around and rely on, you know? Why is their course of action so inconsistent with mine? Isn’t someone supposed to act according to the events and causalities of their relationship?

  1. This friend doesn’t like you and you need to cut them off. They abuse you and disrespect you because you allow it and it won’t stop unless you cut them out of your life. Stop trying to be someone that’s likeable and just be yourself. Those that align with you will naturally gravitate towards you. This is an important life lesson, don’t be anyone other than who you are, don’t try to get people to like you, learn to cut people off and be prepared to walk away when you don’t receive the respect you deserve. You being there for them doesn’t mean they’ll be there for you, especially if they’re disingenuous and don’t actually like you. Find people that will be there for you because the way to

  2. It’s simple and I’m sorry to sound harsh. They just don’t like you and that my friend will never change. Doesn’t matter how hard you try.. if anything they enjoy taking the piss out of you. Why would you wanna be around those kind of ppl, further more why would you want them as mates ?

  3. How does “friend” match up with “constantly humiliates me?”

    That wouldn’t be in my definition of friend. So that would be my question regardless of how this person treats other people. It’s how they treat YOU that matters.

    When you’re around toxic people, the atmosphere is POISONOUS and it WILL affect you.

    I think it’s time to seek out cleaner air/better friends!

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