This girl is from the same native town as me with whom I had never interacted but our family had a decent connect as she lives 2hrs away. Last year we came in contact as her family required some help from me and then we started chatting on WhatsApp. Our vibes and choices matched. A month after this she came to our house and we went sightseeing in my city. She gave a positive response and promised a revisit. She was also positive about the idea of visiting different cities with me. A month went by with normal daily chats and I took a break for my exams after telling her. A week later on the evening of Valentine’s Day, I got a message asking if everything was alright. (I wonder if she expected a wish.) I retold her that I am busy with my exams. Once my exams were over I messaged her, she talked normally for a day and then started ghosting me. I sent multiple texts as I was concerned. I checked her exam timetable from her university and indeed it was scheduled from the next weeks. I waited for her exams to get over and 8days after the end of exam she replied with 4 texts that she was busy with her exams(clear lie). I replied that she could have told me. Again ghosting. And I did the mistake of sending multiple paragraphs, all of which went unanswered.

Fast forward a month and she started watching each and every WhatsApp status update of mine which she never did previously. Now this year I posted a custom-made birthday wish for a female family member on Whatsapp status, the video started with “For the most beautiful girl I know” and she mistook that the wish is for her and replied with a thankyou. I reluctantly had to wish her back considering the awkward situation. (her birthday falls on the same day)

Now she is mostly the first one to watch my WhatsApp update. I tried shitposting to discourage her but to no avail. This thing is really concerning me. I felt insulted when she ghosted me. I just wanted a platonic friendship with her. I don’t know whether I have developed feelings for her, but I am unable to block her. But her viewing my status even after ignoring my paragraphs is harming my mental health. I just want closure as to what was her reason for treating me like trash.

What should I do to feel better? Please help.

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