Women who are introverted and don’t like spending too much time with other people – what do you do in your free time?

  1. Read, yard work, have a fire, watch documentaries, hike, and garden mostly

  2. Watch TV, read, nap, hang out with my dog, go for a walk, social media

  3. Watch movies or series, listen to music, read, knit, daydream.. I actually do live inside my head a lot. I have a rich inner life.

  4. I spend a lot time with my husband watching television. When he is not around, I watch lot of television, and videos on youtube. When you are around others there is so much drama, most times, self-created. I prefer my drama on my shows, not around me.

  5. Sleep lol I don’t have free time, really. I can work 13+ hour days multiple days a week, depending on how busy my second job is on the days I work both of them. The days where I work one I basically pass out and stay that way due to RA-related chronic fatigue issues. I enjoy playing video games and spending time with my husband and son when I can, though.

  6. Reading, watching anime/movies, listening to music, writing songs/poems, going on walks with my younger brother, sleeping, playing with my dogs. The list goes on, really.

  7. So many things!! I’m really active and athletic and outdoorsy. I love hiking and exploring my state. I do long distance running most mornings. I box and figure skate and roller blade and go to the beach and swim in the ocean.

    I also like to learn cool things all the time like bouldering and abseiling and axe throwing etc. There’s no shortage of interesting things to learn and do.

  8. Lots of media consumption – docs, movies, shows, books. When I do go out, I like to go to concerts bc I’m not really expected to talk to people at them.

  9. Internet surf, watch TV, listen to music, draw, eat, and sleep. Also try to come up with my own stories just for fun. Sometimes I engage in a hobby, such as making jewelry/crafts. I might also put on makeup for fun, such as to test/try out a new look (but I am by no means a makeup expert that knows how to make myself look good yet lol).

  10. I read a lot, I watch TV, crochet, go for walks, go to the gym, clean house.

    Being with people can be very draining for me, so I need alone time to recharge the ol’ battery.

  11. Read, youtube, netflix, video games, art and programming. Walking dog and baking

  12. Listen to podcasts, cook, garden, self care, I love just running errands solo tbh

  13. Art, reading, taking care of my houseplants, hanging out with my pets, meme scrolling lol

  14. Read, sew, watch something, play video games, play with the dog or the cat…whatever I feel like doing, really

  15. I like to hang out with people, but I like to be prepared for it and schedule it back to when I have enough time to recharge. For me that’s at least couple of hours to a couple of days depending on the hang out activity we did, and also because I like to have time for my self care, me time.

    Usually for me, I like to watch stuff on TV, dance to music, read comics, books, take walks. I also like skating or riding bikes sometimes too, nap.

  16. I like spending time around *some* people.

    Otherwise read, knit, garden, golf, bake, spend time with husband and cats.

  17. Go down the rabbit hole known as tik tok.
    Amazon shop
    Play video games with friends on discord (when I feel like it)
    Find a book to read or listen to a podcast (trash taste or two hot takes)

  18. I do tons of crafts. Needlepoint, stained glass, resin casting. Also read, listen to records, watch tv. I love my own company.

  19. Walk, paint, read, learn a language, read up on classes that will lead to higher pay ~ maybe actually take the classes, exercise, make Playlists, cook, so many things.

  20. I spend 50% of my time gaming, the other 50% sleeping, and a tiny sliver doing something else.

  21. I love writing, singing, belly dance, and reading the news. I’m a political writer so I can get too intense about that last one.

  22. I have a few friends I hang out with a couple times a month and we talk most days, but I definitely have a limited social battery.

    I work a lot but when I’m off I’ll usually just watch something, go for walks, play video games, photography, listen to music, hang out with my cat, garden, clean and cook.

  23. I don’t have any friends of my own but I do love spending time with my kids and grandkids. I’m quite happy with my own company when they aren’t around to keep me occupied. I have a lot of hobbies, probably too many.

    I crochet, knit, cross stitch, draw, paint, journal, make jewellery and listen to audio books/half watch netflix or YouTube while doing my hobbies.

    I also play games on switch and Xbox. I have a never ending to do list of DIY projects around the house and like to potter in the garden – both are works in progress.

    I’m never ever bored!

  24. I usually spend time with my kids and husband, watch YouTube shows, browse reddit, make dinner, and daydream wishing that I’d be able to keep up with socializing with other people.

  25. It helps that I don’t have a lot of free time lol

    I love exercise, so gym/running/yoga, sometimes hiking if I have time to get out of the city. I play video games. I listen to music or podcasts 24/7. Sleep. Cook. Thoroughly clean my apartment – I really prefer to have my space very clean and uncluttered so I love that I’m the only one in it and I only have to clean up after myself. Mutter at my plants. Do little art projects. I’m trying to read more but I’ve lost the knack for it.

  26. Read. Watch series/movies. Crochet/embroider. Woodworking/welding. This is my list of usual hobbies. But every once in a while I’ll fall into a history rabbit-hole and not come up for air for hours.

  27. I enjoy playing videogames, baking, 3D printing, going for hikes, riding my horse, gardening. I hope to have a house again someday, and I plan on painting some complex murals in the walls, tearing up every square inch of grass to plant flours, fruits, and vegetables, but I’m a looooooong way off from being able to afford this.

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