Ok, I’m very confused.

I (21M) went for a date with that girl I matched with (20F) on Tinder. We spoke for a longer while and took a stroll through the park. The conversation was going well, but it was getting late. I offered to walk her to the tram station, so that she would feel a bit safer and she agreed. When we got there, while waiting for her tram to come we talked about the date, told each other we had fun and agreed to meet again at a later time. Then I woke up today only to find that she blocked me on Facebook and unmatched me on Tinder. What the hell happened? Did I do something wrong? If she didn’t feel that we were getting along why hadn’t she told me? I have so many questions.

  1. Date didn’t go as well as u think, ud have realized that if you’d attempted any physical escalation, also if you’d paid closer attention you’d have noticed that you had to keep re initiating conversational threads. Also if it was going well would have been followed by drinks

  2. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you. She could have realized she wasn’t in the right place to date emotionally, or a guy she preferred from earlier in the week could’ve finally texted back

  3. I’m going to be blunt.

    Asking us why she did what she did isn’t going to help, because only she can truly answer that.

    That said:

    1) this scenario actually happens to people more than you think.

    2) it sounds like she was being polite (agreeing to another date and engaging in conversation in person etc) She also may have issues with “confrontation.”
    It’s actually why ghosting is so common nowadays. It’s both scary and uncomfortable to tell another person you’re not into them.
    That, and we don’t want to “hurt” someone’s feelings because it makes *us* feel bad. (Kind of selfish when you think about it.)

    The irony is that ghosting someone actually hurts the other person more because it adds a huge layer of confusion to sift through, especially if it seemed like the date went well.

    Bottom line is it sounds like she just didn’t feel a connection on her end, but instead of telling you this, she decided to go the avoidant/ ghosting route to make herself feel better.

    In the end, you dodged a bullet because you wouldn’t want to be with someone who:

    1) can’t be honest and doesn’t have integrity.

    2) is selfish.

  4. Ghosting is a dick move. She’s a dick. Forget about her and move on.

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