Hey everyone! So I’ve been living at my current place since it was built (2011) (and I am 23 years old) but never once have met any of my neighbours! Throughout the years, neighbours have moved in and out but I have never met any of them. I always see neighbours out especially during summer evenings all out talking to each other but I have never even acknowledge them. It is like anytime (especially in the past before I realized my mistakes) I go outside I avoid eye contact with everyone and keep to myself.

So, with that being said, how can I go about actually meeting and maybe becoming friends with some of my neighbours in a non-awkward way after being so reserved/avoidant for so long? I always feel like it would be weird if someone who lived there for over 10 years randomly comes up to people on the street for the first time.

My ONLY idea is I could bring a chair to the front porch and once and a while sit and have a beer/cigar there, which in itself I feel would be weird since I’ve literally never sat in the front porch like that and would feel like I am just watching the young people having fun out outside. But, even then, if I were to do do that, I wouldn’t know how to go from being alone on my front porch to actually talking to people on the street.

  1. Brink them a tasty home cooked baked good. Leave a cool note with your name on it. That’s how I met my old neighbor.

  2. To begin with, try to say hello to them. I think you’ll understand who you may continue communication with.

  3. Just introduce yourself meat time you see them out. “Hey I’m name, we’ve been living next door for x years, I figured it’s long since time for me to introduce myself.”

    Or buy a drum set and play the shit out of it at 2:00 am you either meet them or the cops. /s

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