So I noticed that sometimes when I talk to my friends, they would scan my face while they’re talking. Like instead of just looking at my eyes, they look up and down at my face while they’re talking. I don’t think it’s a big deal or means anything, but if it does, what meaning does it hold or why do they do that.

  1. No reason. They probably just feel weird staring straight into your eyes for so long so it’s to break it up a little.

  2. I think you’re supposed to do that , but you’re actively noticing it that’s more curious .

    It means either your cautious,nervous or just a lot sharp .

  3. I always forget the actual order, but: eye to eye to nose (or maybe eye to nose to eye) is a common social thing that happens in general. That’s neutral or platonic. Like someone else mentioned, replace the nose with lips instead, and that’s what’ll happen when they’re more interested or simply find you attractive. This is assuming the people are neurotypical though.

  4. if your friends are like my friends they may have issues maintaining eye contact but are still trying to look at your face bc that’s what’s been taught as polite ykwim I wouldn’t stress over it

  5. I am one of these people, I can’t focus if I just stare blankly in one spot so I scan people’s faces. The whole conversation dies if I look people in the eye when talking because the only thing I can think about is don’t break eye contact

  6. Everyone does that. Not everyone wants to just stare in your eyes all the time

  7. i do that all the time subconsciously and am terrified that people notice and are weirded out but oh well

  8. Some people look down to think or process your words. And some people look up to do the same. Some people look up and down for no reason.

  9. When someone scans your face while they’re talking to you, it can indicate various things depending on the context and the individual’s behavior. Here are a few possible reasons why someone might scan your face while conversing:
    1. Nonverbal communication: People often use facial expressions to convey emotions and intentions. By scanning your face, they may be trying to pick up on subtle cues or facial expressions that can provide additional information about your thoughts or feelings.
    2. Attention and engagement: Looking at someone’s face during a conversation is generally a sign of attentiveness and engagement. By scanning your face, they may be trying to maintain focus on you and the conversation, ensuring they don’t miss any nonverbal cues or nuances.
    3. Observation and analysis: Some individuals naturally observe and analyze facial features. They may be studying your facial expressions, features, or even minor details out of curiosity or habit. It doesn’t necessarily imply any negative intent but could be their way of processing information.
    4. Cultural or personal norms: In some cultures or social groups, scanning someone’s face during conversation may be more common or acceptable. It could be a learned behavior or influenced by cultural norms and practices.
    5. Individual differences: People have different communication styles and preferences. Some individuals may naturally look around while talking, and scanning your face could be part of their communication style. It’s important to consider the person’s overall behavior and communication patterns rather than focusing solely on this one action.
    It’s worth noting that without more context and observing other aspects of their behavior, it’s challenging to determine the exact meaning behind someone scanning your face. It’s generally best to consider it as part of their individual communication style and observe their overall engagement and interest in the conversation.
    If you feel uncomfortable or have concerns about someone’s behavior, it’s important to communicate openly with them to gain a better understanding of their intentions or address any potential issues directly.

  10. The other comments are correct but I also think you should just straight up ask them (politely) why they are looking at different areas of your face
    [Say something like if there’s something stuck in your tooth or something on your nose]

  11. Subconsciously watching social queues.
    Been years since I was studying for my degrees, but if I recall the %’s right, 80% of what you say doesn’t come out of your mouth. Most is body language and tone.


    You may have some sort of personality disorder (most people have at least one in a minor way), and whatever yours is, it may be triggering a subconscious response of wtf. For instance, if you have a borderline sociopathic disorder and are… newer… to controlling it, they tend to have a rougher time controlling facial expressions OR have very little to none showing. So you could be “excited” but your face is blank, so the response is to watch things that are out of the ordinary.

  12. Yes, I do that because I know strong eye contact can be hard on people. I will also look at eyebrows to take some of the hardness away from my gaze. I have an authoritarian presence and know it.

  13. Maintaining eye contact 100% of the time when you’re talking to somebody is intimidating. It’s like that throughout the animal kingdom. It’s why you should never stare at dogs (they’ll think you’re challenging them), or why a cat will think you’re friendly if you look at them, slowly blink, then look away again.

    If you’re not letting your gaze wander a little, and instead you’re fixated on the person’s eyes when talking to them, they’ll probably feel a little uncomfortable.

    Obviously your friends are used to it though and they don’t mind 🙂

  14. I do this all the time on accident. Just something I can’t help doing but catch myself doing it

  15. I do this when I start to feel like I’ve held constant eye contact for too long. I’ve noticed almost everybody else does it, and I figure it’s for the same reason.

  16. That’s a gesture that show’s they’re listening and processing. It’s a little unintentional. At least that’s what it said in a social skills book I read.

    I was kinda hoping this sub would have pinned advice and a wiki.

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