What’s one skill or activity that you’ve been interested in but haven’t had the opportunity to pursue? It could be anything from learning a musical instrument to trying out a new sport, and I’m curious to hear what you’ve always wanted to explore.

  1. 3D printing would be neat to get into. I appreciate the things I see on r/FunctionalPrint and there are plenty of uses around the house where I think I could see a lot of benefit to something made.

    However, I absolutely do not have the time nor patience (or money) to spend figuring out how to design something in some kind of complex CAD software, where the learning curve is damn near vertical, and would also take up like 40 hours just to learn how to print something basic.

    The better bet would be to get one of my kids into it, then tell them to figure it out. I think if I could say, “Hey, daughter, design and print me a thing that can fix this,” that would be ideal.

    So I guess…I’m not really interested in getting into 3D printing myself after all, I’m interested in someone else getting into it for me so I can benefit, lol.

    Also RC planes. The big ones that have like turbo jet engines and shit. Now *that* would be dope.

  2. I’ve always thought those people who build those super detailed models are really rad. Like the 1/24th model kit where they’re hyper realistic and have all the paints and decals and all that.

  3. It’s derpy, but I want to learn to ride a unicycle. No real reason why. Haven’t done it yet.

  4. Playing in a rock band is on my bucket list. Just jamming out with a bunch of dudes. I want to start an anime song cover band of older dudes called The Dad Bods.

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