What is something about your body that you find inconvenient?

  1. Idk i feel like the top of my ribs stick out too much, I’m definitely self conscious when wearing a tank top

  2. Itd be nice if the air passageways in my nose were a little wider, and if seasonal allergies didnt exist.

  3. Sensitive skin. If I rest my stubbly chin on the back of my hands, a rash appears.

  4. Getting pants to fit right is impossible. I have like no ass in back, but some junk in front. Got these new pants kinda stretchy, kit good show the GF first thing she says “I can see your entire dick” well shit… I guess I should have just gone for jeggings.

  5. A massive cock just wish it was like an average 6-8 inches. It’s very uncomfortable tbh


  7. I have absolutely zero ass, which makes sitting for more than half an hour at a time super uncomfortable. I really wish I could get through class or a meal without having to get up to get some relief.

  8. I’m pretty tall. 6′ 3″ is something like 0.001% of men. I’ve hit my head on a lot of things. It’s like a left handed person, the world just isn’t built for me. Other than that, I can’t build muscle mass. I get plenty of strength, but my body type means I stay slim. I’m currently at the low end for BMI for my height.

    Side note. Yes I lift specifically to build my muscles.

  9. > What is something about your body that you find inconvenient?

    My feet are really far away from the rest of me. If they were closer, trimming toenails would be much easier

  10. I have radioulnar synostosis in my left forearm that prevents me from supinating my left hand past about 45 degrees. It isn’t debilitating, but because I can’t turn my hand over I’m extremely limited on bicep exercises in training, as well as doing over-under grip on deadlifts without getting a muscle imbalance. I also can’t go through drive-thrus if I use cash because I can’t catch the change when it’s handed back.

  11. I’m 6’7 and everything in this world is designed to be an inconvenience for me

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