
I’m really needing advice from both sides ( m and f).
Im male 38 years and my partner is female 30 years. We have just had our first baby. A beautiful 10 month old girl now. And she is divine 😍 the best baby you could ask for .

I have my own business. She studies and works where she can. So I’m with the baby a lot. But when my partner has time:

From the moment she wakes.
Until.she falls asleep.

She is always on her phone . Facebook, tik tok. Etc and it absolutely irritates me. I keep trying to explain she should be spending these times with her daughter, do small.things. take her for walks . Play. Read a book with her.

But she gets shitty and storms off. She will never get these times back. And I don’t think she understands that.

I don’t know what to do or how to explain it.

Thoughts ?

  1. How is she bonding with the baby aside from being on the phone all the time?

  2. So. This is clearly ADHD. Has she been tested. I’d start there. And even with a diagnosis it won’t help. She needs CBT

  3. As someone who struggled staying off my phone for a while I get both sides. It’s understandable to feel frustrated in this situation but I think its best to just talk with her about how you’d love to spend more time together, maybe suggest some activities (walk in the park, simple crafts and keepsakes, family photos etc.) I find it really helps to have an activity or plan set out lots of options. Time management can be hard especially as a new mom so maybe shes just been overwhelmed and doesn’t have to motivation right now to plan these activities, and mother daughter time.

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