With regards to opinions, attitudes, communication, what were the positives and negatives you realized when you were dating someone outside your culture??

  1. My wife still laughs at how my accent makes me say words funny. Like I can’t say ‘cow’, or ‘car’, or ‘bird’.

  2. Dated a polish girl.

    Apparently Polish people only eat un-marinated and un-sauced meat, and their definition of “spicy” is baked potatoes.

    It took me a year of trying to get her to eat a piece of sushi.

  3. That she was unhealthy and not good with finances… i guess. I mean only culture I have was being a volunteer firefighter in a small town.

  4. Dated an Arabic girl. Was very upfront and strongheaded about her views on things but always needed validation while taking a decision. She had never been with guys before due to countrywide restrictions so was very clingy, possessive and vulnerable most of the times. The only negative point I really disliked was that she was too adamant to accept her mistakes and apologise. She never said sorry as she mentioned that she would apologise only if she thinks she has caused enough damage to the relationship or me to say the magical 5 letter word.

  5. Dating outside my culture sounds great. Most american women are pretty awful.

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