I finally dared to do it. It may seem as nothing for others but for someone who has grown up with guilt and shame when it comes to sex it was a big thing. But the best part was that my wife did all of those things with me. It feels like a dream. I dont deserve this woman. I really dont. She is letting me fulfill every sexual fantasy I have had so far. Its crazy.

  1. Aww awesome!! My husband opened up about his but is now too scared to do it. I’m sure he’ll want to actually try it down the road

  2. And this will greatly improve your intimacy with her makes that bond stronger. Err side of caution sometime some fantasies are better of being just that. .. I know from experience. Bit I think that’s great for you and her.

  3. I guess you’re not going to share your fantasies with us here on reddit. Too bad! But good for you for sharing them with your wife who, I think, is very much in love with you.

  4. That’s one of the best things about my marriage is that we’re secure enough to share our fantasies and be vulnerable with each other. While my husband used to be pretty vanilla, once I started sharing fantasies he took it and ran with it. He said I corrupted him in the best way. He’s always up for fulfilling whatever I’m interested in and vice versa, it’s wonderful.

  5. Congrats!

    I told my wife mine before marriage, to see if we were compatible in bed.

  6. Congrats!!! I’m so very happy for you and your wife! Just be careful not to get too out of control!~

    I got to share kinks with the love of my life as well and I’ve held them in for over a decade, unable to trust anyone with them until I met him. Now I’m happy we can talk to each other unlike talking to anyone else. We’re comfortable and don’t judge one another, only inquire or ask for complete clarification.

    So happy for you guys, hope this keeps your marriage fresh and stands the test of time. ❤️

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