During the late 90’s and early 2000’s in the US there was a weird trend of creating these consoles that had preinstalled games on them that you could just plug into the TV and start playing.

When I was a Kid, I would have a Spongebob themed Plug and Play where Spongebob’s Nose was the Joystick and had a bunch of 8-16 bit Spongebob Themed Games.

  1. I think we have two…in a box somewhere. If my husband bought them for our sons (b.99, 01, 03) he really bought them for himself? Really?! Our sons went through a phase in their teens where they were really into these games. I don’t know what they were about.

  2. That was more of a late 2000s thing here, I remember that they could be bought at Tesco pretty cheaply around 2008-2009

  3. Yes , never had one but I saw them at toy stores and in ads , mainly in the Donald Duck.

  4. My mom bought us one of those really early Pong consoles with “tennis” and so on. The graphics were extremely primitive by today’s standards but back then the NES was just a blip on somebody’s desk.

    If you’ve never played Pong, it’s just two vertical rods in a huge square area, and a big old bouncing white square that you need to bounce into your opponents goal. Who needs God of War?

  5. Ha we had one of those when I was a kid. I think it’s still in a box somewhere. I think I used to play some sort of motorcycle racing game on it, it had a bunch of different things.

  6. I had two plug ans play consoles. One was scooby doo themed and the other was just pacman. This was in the early 2000s btw and I already had a ps2 when I got them

  7. I had one back in 2012~, can’t remember the name but it was one green controller with a big joystick and some shitty games, was very cheap.
    Wish i remembered the name, it had a waterskiing/boating game where you avoid seagulls and all. (NL)

  8. Not really, these existed including sega and nintendo clones but consoles itself were always very niche market including microsoft&sony. gaming here was dominated by 8/16bits from 80ies and then PC took the lead in mid 90ies. Even during PS3/XBox360 ere there were lot of people buying PS3 because it was good and cheap bluray player, not because of playing game they could have on PC better.

  9. I think the only consoles of that kind that had some impact were the clones of the Commodore 64. There was one that came in a form of a Competition Pro joystick, and one it the classic breadbox design, albeit a bit shrinked.

    All other consoles of that kind were fringe.

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