At the early stage of relationship we were talking about different things. And he said that he is open-minded in sex, but he wants traditional relationship. I said that was good, because if I have boyfriend so I have sex only with him.
After sometime he said he had sex fantasy: about me having three some sex. Fantasy – ok. We talked about it during the sex. He was in good mood, because I could understand that it was only fantasy. But after some time he started to push me with these fantasies (me having sex with other guys and telling him everything) Time after time I said for it is fantasy no more.

When I asked if he really wants this, his replies were different all the time yes/no. Yes he wants open relationship, than “no, we have traditional, normal, without sharing me”.

He gave idea to play some games in apps for dating. I tried, chatting dirty other guys. After first time bf wrote he did not like, we should stop. I said that I also didn’t like. But, f**k, after few days he asked if I was flirting some guys. Definitely I stopped. And still few days I replied that I didn’t, but he was wandering few times. I was pissed off.

Than I asked about his fetish, he wrote at the beginning of relationship. So, he had a girlfriend open-minded in sex. She gave him idea of having half open relationship. She sometimes had sex with other guys, couple times threesome (he, she, some boy). She was sharing her sex experience, sex videos, sex photos and he liked that. When I asked if he wasn’t angry that she was not his girlfriend, he replied no. They lived together, spend some time. For me it sounds like couple.

In one of the latest conversation he said he wants me to have sex with other guys a lot. But I refused and asked not to push me.(But you know, he mostly wrote about this, only few times he said these fantasies aloud). I told am different.

I just think isn’t it offensive for gyus to share girls they have partnership?
Or they afraid to lose girls and experiment whatever they say?
Or they have low self-esteem?!
Or really they are so open-minded?
Or addictive to such things?!
Reddit community share your thoughts and experiences plz.

  1. It looks like his relationship with his ex gave him a taste of something he considered a taboo for long but tasting it started something in him.

    I think he himself is confused about what to do but the bad news is, i’ve seen this before and this fantasy rarely goes away. The stronger he resists it, the stronger it will hit him back. And if you do it, he will regret it, might even leave you. Then come back later asking for more. It’s a vicious cycle and your relationship will be a roller-coaster.

    My advice is see what you really want and decide if you want to continue with this relationship. It can be fun if you both enjoy it and sure about what you’re doing and have set clear boundaries. Otherwise it will be destructive

  2. it’s not fair for him to push this fantasy on you, too. unless you actually genuinely like this, it’s not worth staying.

  3. I could have written this post myself, except it happened/happening with my husband/ex-husband (it’s complicated) of 16y. We have four kids together; half are already adults. He started with the fantasy in his head, to dirty talking it during sex or sexting between us, to now literally addicted to the thought so bad, like he’s going to pop. And what’s strange is that he wants to see it with an old lover of mine who recently reached out to say HBD. He’s loathed this man for as long as I’ve known him but somehow the thought of us sexually together turned into arousal and desire to see it himself. I don’t understand it bc he is very “possessive” (not controlling, though- but very happy to say/know I’m *his*). He says being with me is an experience that it’s almost sinful not to share. And that I’m his ultimate fantasy girl and just wants to give me the ultimate pleasure. I told him sex already could not get any better and I’m fully satiated with just him.

    I’m not going to lie.. the thought having both of them is 🤤.. but it’s the uncertainty I have wondering how my husband will look/think of me after the fact. Or weather it means he doesn’t love me at all and just objectifies me as his little fantasy slut. That’s what keeps me in my senses.

    I’m curious to get the input of other men who crave the same of their female partners.

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