The other day I asked some friends if they wanted to play some Switch games at my place and they agreed. Suddenly one of them brought up how his giant TV would be great, and another mentioned he could bring his switch with smash bros (not my type of game and I don’t own a copy). That’s the plan that was settled on.

I’m upset that we went from my original plan to hang at my place to playing friend A’s game of choice at friend B’s place.

I’ve never had a friend group before and we normally go out to do stuff we all agree on. This is the first time I made plans to do something chill and I feel steamrolled. Not sure if this kind of thing is normal among friends and if I’m overreacting?

  1. Yeah this can happen. No plans are just “your” plans unless its your wedding or something. It’s everyone’s plans so everyone gets a say

  2. I’m not sure if it happens, to be honest it may happen and I just don’t notice. Usually one of my friends will either A. Give a really specific plan that we’ll just go with or B. Give an idea and a couple people were suggest someone more specifics to land on something concrete. It sounds like you did B, maybe try A next time? I think there are two things to keep in mind equally:
    1 – it’s okay to say what you want. For instance, when they suggested someone else’s house, you couldve said “can we do that next time? I was looking forward to hosting you all”.
    2 – it’s their plans as much as its your plan. So consider why you are/aren’t okay with different suggestions. It’s generally good to be open in friendships and not so stubborn that it has to be your plan all the time.

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