When did you truly start loving yourself?

  1. when i started truely working on bettering myself! because i met someone i want to love, and do better for!

  2. When I met someone who made me realize that I was good enough and worthy. I never realized that I was harder on myself than I could ever be on anyone else. Things that I would easily forgive in others I would cuss myself out for. Once I got past this I was much more forgiving of myself.

  3. I thought I did this January after meeting someone who made me feel appreciated and pretty. But when our journeys parted, the feeling faded. So I am back to “never”. It is making my life difficult, but I do not know where to start.

  4. It actually happened during the pandemic. I never knew about the concept of loving yourself until I had spent a lot of time alone and learned how important it is to take care of myself. I learned to do things intentionally knowing how beneficial it will be for me in the long run.

  5. I’m in therapy for that and I hope it will change my point of view. I am way too hard on myself and expect so much from me

  6. When I was 20 I started to try to love myself. First I stopped dating so I could stop trying to seek easy validation from men. Then I worked on myself to improve on whatever I was lacking. Around 22 I started feeling happy with myself. But I think at around 25 I plateaued in my life goals and now I’m trying to work on feeling good about myself by improving my life and setting new goals. I guess my self worth is based on how successful I am, but at the same time I battle depression and low motivation. It’s hard trying to love myself again

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