What did your girlfriend or wife do that you decided to leave her?

  1. Your partner is going to hurt you. It might be lying, gaslighting, or maybe even cheating but with enough time you will end up hurting each other. The number one reason why people end it when these things happen is lack of accountability from the person that messes up. I can understand people making mistakes, but I can’t work with someone that can’t be held accountable for what they do.

  2. Stopped having sex with me. Of course, there were a lot of layers to that problem but yeah, can’t sustain a relationship like that.

  3. She told me she’d never introduce me to her family because of the color of my skin.

  4. After crashing her 4th motorcycle in 6 months time, she wanted to buy a bike capable of 200mph. I told her that maybe she wasn’t ready for that kind of power, and she said I was “just jealous because I couldn’t afford it”.

    She refused to see my opinion as concern, and only saw it as criticism, then she weaponized it against me.

  5. There wasn’t one specific thing that made me leave her. It’s just that over time I realized we are on a different maturity level and I was just tired so I broke up with her.

  6. I realized after 6 months of being gaslit and walking on eggshells constantly that she had boderline personailty disorder. I decided the constant mood swings weren’t worth it, and she seemed to lack any insight into her condition. So, after the final argument where she accused me of some imagined offense, I decided I had enough and ended it. At first, I tried to be gentle, but eventually I had to resort to brutal honesty.

    I’ve rarely felt such a sense of relief as I did after that final conversation ended.

  7. Stopped initiating sex and lost most of her interest in having sex with me in general.

  8. Continuous abusive behavior that finally crossed the line enough for me to stop going along.

  9. We were married for 17 years. Lots of ups and downs, and sometimes the downs were really bad. But we always recovered because we wanted it. That last year found us with a growing animosity toward each other and a reduced interest in making things better.

    Toward the end of the year, her sister offered to go on a road trip with her for over two weeks. One week in Mexico, and the next week visiting their father and his family in New Mexico. She sold this to me as some kind of a sabbatical. Time to refocus and Renew her sense of self and desire for change and reconciliation. I agreed, despite this being a very dark time in my life and her absence meaning I would be working all day every day and be completely alone during the Christmas holidays. And it was hard, but I was Happy she was putting in the effort.

    When she came back, I asked her what she had learned about herself and how she wanted to move forward. And she pretended that she had never told me she would be working on us. Completely gaslighting me and making me realize that she had simply abandoned me in this terrible time to go on a two week vacation. At that instant, I knew it was over. I asked for a divorce that next week.

  10. Married for five years. Cheated on me with her boss, took no accountability for it. Was emotionally and physically abusive and even threatened to kill me, so yeah take your pick.

  11. I probably should have left this particular person much sooner in the relationship because it was very clear that we had completely different expectations.

    If your gut tells you, no, then you should listen to yourself. She’s probably not for you if you both disagree about every major life choice.

  12. I’m beginning to sound like a broken record, but I broke up with my gf because she was always on her phone. I would try to initiate conversations and would get “what did you say?” She always had more to say to perfect strangers on Reddit than to me.It got to the point I grew to despise her.

  13. I saw a similar question six months ago, and a memorable response was something like this:

    Things had gotten worse and worse, until one week his wife left town for a family obligation. He realized he was so much less anxious when she was gone, and dreaded her return. That’s when he knew.

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