Planning on proposing to my girlfriend in 5 months, what stone would be best, moonstone, opal or black obsidian I know she likes those 3, also how do people even propose, I thought about a speech but have a feeling id just fumble and make it awkward im proposing on holiday and want to make it as special as possible because I love her a-lot so I really don’t want to mess anything up any advice would be appreciated.

  1. Moonstone/opal is a soft stone and will get scratched over time so I wouldn’t recommend!

  2. I had a custom engagement ring made for my now wife. When I proposed, I did so without a ring, and told her we were going ring shopping together next day for a custom ring. Designing a ring together was far better then I could have come up with.

  3. All 3 of those are soft. Moonstone being generally the hardest of the lot I believe with opals varying a bit. (Gem opal has always run about 5.5 when I was testing) However, you really want something with a Moh’s hardness above 7 for a ring. The reason being sand and dirt frequently contain sand and are at a 7 in hardness as a routinely encountered abrasive.

    Star sapphires or some of the other star gems are hard enough and have the really cool play on light. Cats eyes also are pretty cool with the play of light on them and they can be found in hard stones.

  4. You don’t need a big speech. Find some place nice and scenic, preferably without other people around. Wait till she’s turned around. Get down on one knee with the ring out and just say “(name), will you marry me?”

    It’s the classic. It works. Nothing more needs said.

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