Im a 21M he’s 22m. Known each other since elementary. He was like a big bro to me. But growing up I’ve feel like he’s grown jealous in a way & things have become toxic.

Whenever I have a good accomplishment or try to show him a pretty girl I’m talking to. He’ll kinda just shrug it off. Won’t give me much praise. I also always feel like he’s talking shit to me lots of time. Little disses here and there about who else I’m hanging out with. “Wow you’re hanging out with Joey and Marcus later, that’s pretty random”. Or just about me “you’re dumb asf why would u say that”. It’s just weird because I’m always giving him great advice, great praise. I’m never talking shit about what he’s doing or where he’s going.

He never really listens to my problems either. It’s always about him. I feel like he’ll only want me around when he’s lonely. I just feel like over time he’s also just gotten dry with me. I can tell when we go out and I’m talking with a pretty girl he’ll make a stupid remark about me or just ignore me the rest of the night.

There was a time when I was depressed, I would stay hang around him but just be a little sad and I’d try my best to interact but whenever I would talk he would say “you’re fuckin slow” or something like that.

Idk what to do. I honestly just want to stop talking to him but idk how to.

  1. >I honestly just want to stop talking to him but idk how to.

    Why exactly is this difficult?

  2. It sounds to me like your buddy is an emotional abuser. Yes, people probably think that means yelling and screaming that you’re an idiot, but your ‘buddy’ is speaking in ways to chip away at your self esteem. That’s abuse. And he’s not willing to listen to you when you were depressed, he doubled down by saying you were ‘slow’ which would only make you feel worse. Even if you give your buddy the benefit of the doubt that he could improve and become introspective, it doesn’t sound like it to me. I wouldn’t confront him, he’d probably pass it off as you being delusional and there’s nothing wrong. Maybe he invites you places because no one else wants to hang around with him because of his attitude, and you’re the only one who’ll put up with him. I suggest making your own new friends, sounds like you’re able to talk to people when you go out, you don’t need him around. If you continue to hang around together, your buddy may never take a look at himself and wonder why you left. If he wakes up and contacts you, then explain to him what he’s doing. If he scoffs at what you’re saying, then you know there’s no hope to save the friendship. But like the other posters have said, I’d cut him loose. Look after yourself. True ‘friends’ wouldn’t treat you like he treats you.

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