The longer a baby looks at your face the more handsome you are. What do you think?

  1. Really really dumb. Sometimes you just have a distinctive face, and babies are not known for their fashion discernment.

  2. Babies stare a things while crapping their pants. Wouldn’t put too much stock in that one.

  3. Yeah, that’s not how it works. Sometimes babies just stare at shit. And sometimes that shit is someone’s face.

  4. Babies are stupid and neither their brains nor their eyes really work yet.

  5. Nonsense. Babies can barely see anything, even up close. They’re just trying to figure out what’s in front of them while they’re brain makes sense of shapes and depth and color and everything else.

  6. I doubt that having a baby looking at my face would make me more handsome.

  7. OP is slightly misrepresenting things, but there have been studies that suggest babies are indeed drawn to good looking people, and they spend more time staring at faces that adults consider attractive.

  8. From all I know it is a proven fact that infants gaze remains longer with people who tick more boxes on the objective side of beauty. I guess we would find that with age subjective factors gain in strength.

  9. Maybe it’s true if you’re just standing there staring at the baby, then yeah the baby will probably stare at handsome people longer.

    But if I’m with a baby I try to make the baby laugh or play with it or something, they’ll usually stare just because I’m interacting with the baby, doesn’t say anything about my attractiveness.

    When I was a cashier I’d make stupid faces at babies when the parents weren’t looking and the babies would always laugh, I think that babies like ugly fucks like me too, they think my face is funny.

  10. Haha nice joke. Seriously, whoever came up with that statement is on something that’s a little too strong.

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