Women of Reddit when did you realise you were an actual adult?

  1. When my dad was going to buy something at Kmart and I didn’t think we could afford it. I was 9

  2. I’m 36 and it still randomly hits me that I’m a grown up some days.

  3. once i finally didnt care about being hired for my looks cus damm ive got bills to pay

  4. When I realized not all adults become fully “adult.” I think it’s a lifelong process.

  5. Since I have a son, taking care of a little human made me realize that I’m an actual adult

  6. When those documents say “you do not need your guardian’s signature if you are over 21”. It feels so liberating but also shocking that so much time has passed.

  7. When people started coming to me for life advice like if I know what the fuck I’m doing 😅

  8. When I was 19 and had just moved out of my parents place, I was in a bar at like 10pm on a week night and I suddenly realised it was entirely my responsibility to go home and get to bed at a reasonable hour

  9. My first day of teaching my own class. 28 eight year olds looking up at you and you realise you are the only adult in in the room and solely responsible for all of them.

    It’s terrifying that we trust 22 year olds to manage (and teach) large groups of children haha

  10. When I’m giving sound advice on reddit and can’t believe how naive some people are….

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