Hey, I’m in a fraternity and we have our formal tonight. My friend set me and my date up, and I’ve met her and talked to her a few times but only rly at parties. She’s pretty cool and she’s also really attractive, like OUT of my league. Anyway, the other day I texted her about the details and she responded with “OMG can’t wait” and asked me about some more logistical details, but we haven’t rly texted since then. The formal is at a rly nice hotel in Boston, and then we go out to bars after.

The only problem is all of a sudden I’m getting rly nervous. I’m not going into the night thinking we’re gonna hook up or anything, I just want to have fun and want her to have fun too. How do I calm my nervousness? What do I talk to her about? What do I do so we can have a good time together?

1 comment
  1. If you feel that nervous, try and get a good workout in before you leave for the date. Maybe has a shot of something to calm you’re nerves down also, although the workout should help!

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