I am 18 years old and I lost my virginity to my crush of over a year. I was really turned on, albeit a little nervous, and I started fucking her and it didn’t feel as amazing as I expected and I didn’t reach orgasm. I assured her it wasn’t her problem but now I’m a little bit concerned. Have I masturbated too much and become insensitive? Is sex actually rubbish? Is there something wrong with me? I need answer cos I’m really worried.

  1. Maybe it was your brain telling you that she wasn’t as good a lay as you had imagined/hoped, or that you weren’t as overwhelmed by sensation as you expected or that virginity isn’t as precious as some make it out to be.
    Was she as into it as you were?

  2. Like you, I didn’t cum the first time I had sex. The girl was upset and I really didn’t expect it to happen. I tried many things, like not masturbating for months, which didnt help at all. In the end I realised that I need to feel safe and relaxed to cum with someone and it takes me a few times to get there with someone new. I’m also trying to focus on communication, connection and being in the moment instead of performance

  3. I didn’t cum the first time I had sex at 20. I think I was just so nervous. The next day we tried again and I might have lasted a minute.

  4. It’s how it goes sometimes. Don’t worry too much about it. It’s ok to take these things slow and learn as you get more experience.

  5. Nothing to worry about. I didn’t cum my first few times. Had to learn what would get me to that point with practice.

    Personally, longer thrusts do it for me. Slow strokes, feeling all of her taking me inch by inch. Even ended up cumming way too early thanks to that.

  6. Most people don’t orgasm at all for their first time (sometimes even first few.)

    It’s a different sensation to get used to, and on top of that the pressure to “preform” often gets a grip on people and doesn’t allow them to relax, even if they think they are.

    No worries. Keep trying. 👍

  7. Same thing happened to me. Don’t worry about it at all. I chalked it up to nerves and excitement and and a lot of expectations for “the moment”. 2nd time around, everything played out as it should and never been a problem since (41 yrs old).

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